Darla: Carter's UFO report.

I don't see why they'd hit one house, be turned away, then not hit the next house on the block.

I'd love to interview a couple of the people who encountered these. Body language can tell you a ton about what people believe.

Maybe they have a ray which determines which households contain an occupant psychically susceptible to their demonic frequencies.
i mean, if you can accept string theory...

Carter was a jerk...but he did have access to internal info on UFO's...as do all Presidents..so boys and girls UFO's do exist..and Area 51 is not a fraud...I would give ya proof but they (Those Dirty old men in black suits) would exterminate me...and that would not be good as I love summer and bbq's way too much to leave quite yet! The fifty gallon drums are real...and do not store oil...nough' said!;)
Carter was a jerk...but he did have access to internal info on UFO's...as do all Presidents..so boys and girls UFO's do exist..and Area 51 is not a fraud...I would give ya proof but they (Those Dirty old men in black suits) would exterminate me...and that would not be good as I love summer and bbq's way too much to leave quite yet! The fifty gallon drums are real...and do not store oil...nough' said!;)

One beer short of a twelve-pack today, are we?

We must acknowledge the reality of other dimensions and the beings who inhabit them, if we are to successfully defend ourselves from the attacks they launch at us.

Uscitizen knows full well the reality of that of which I speak, and has been coopted by them. He now mocks and ridicules the truth to facilitate their dominance over mankind.
Sure I am privy to interdimensional beings from other planets.
That is how I recognize you as one AHZ :D
You are one of those sent ahead to spread confusion, and defuse the truth when it is finally exposed. It will just be considered an urban legend on Snopes.com and such by then becuase of your good work AHZ.
Sure I am privy to interdimensional beings from other planets.
That is how I recognize you as one AHZ :D
You are one of those sent ahead to spread confusion, and defuse the truth when it is finally exposed. It will just be considered an urban legend on Snopes.com and such by then becuase of your good work AHZ.

No. I'm the real alien hunter!:tongout:
They programmed you well AHZ, you truely believe you are not one of them.
See how sneaky they are.

You have been assimilated, resistance was futile.

LOL...yeah but AHZ makes him look the poster boy for Sane-O magazine.

Darla we have to quit meeting like this...some will start rumors...and that would be bad for my image!;)

Never mind you have escaped from one of my fifty gallon drums..Bad Alien-Bad Alien..back to the drum before ya get a good spanking!
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Oh lord...another wacked out conservative has fallen madly in love with me. Sigh.

I have to get some spray or something.

Oh lord...another wacked out conservative has fallen madly in love with me. Sigh.

I have to get some spray or something.

well damn if this is the case...pa-lease do not use petchuley(pun)) oil..it reaks!l Then again if ya do...it will send me running for the hills...hated that stuff!
:clink: That was a great comeback though...if I do say myself!..kudos!
I believe the product you're looking for is manufactured by Massengill.

Actually I was thinking more along the lines of RAID, but I thank you for your input...from your past posts on this I am not unaware that you are the resident expert on douching.
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