Darla - What kind of car did you get?


JPP Modarater
Inquiring minds want to know!?

Another friend of mine is going car shopping and I'm such a bad influence.......



Inquiring minds want to know!?

Another friend of mine is going car shopping and I'm such a bad influence.......

I'm probably going to buy another car soon. The wife and I have been car pooling in our Ford (we both work a few blocks from each other). I'm leaning heavily towards another Ford. My last two have been pretty good to me and Fords are approaching Honda and Toyota in quality.
I think I know that truck owner!

Perhaps he's the guy who lived about a block from me in D.C. The truck was literally plastered (no original finish was visible) with religious stickers, pamphlets, etc. Actually that much reading material on a moving vehicle could be considered a menace in traffic, if anybody actually tried to read it! :p
There's a car I see often in the college parking lot that has all sorts of bumperstickers, several of which bash religion (its a Catholic college), and one that promotes abortion. Then there's the two that I like:

One says "Vegetarian: Euphemism for Lousy Hunter"

The other says "Who lit the fuse on your tampon?"
Not really. How many Prius with Obama stickers have you seen v the "typical Republican Car" that you found on the internet? My guess is 100 to zero.

A hell of a lot less then Huge Gas Guzzling Pick ups and SUV's with "W04" on them. I never saw one of those on a Honda Accord or a Chevy Malibu.
A hell of a lot less then Huge Gas Guzzling Pick ups and SUV's with "W04" on them. I never saw one of those on a Honda Accord or a Chevy Malibu.
You've never been at my work's parking lot then.

Oddly enough, many of the W04 stickers belonged to people in the Union, while almost nobody who is not in the Union had one. I don't remember seeing one of them from people in my area, except one of the managers.
Union members voting republican? I thought that was against the rules?
You've never been at my work's parking lot then.

Oddly enough, many of the W04 stickers belonged to people in the Union, while almost nobody who is not in the Union had one. I don't remember seeing one of them from people in my area, except one of the managers.
Oh I can explain that. Lots and lots of union workers in my area and the morons supported Bush in droves even though it was obvious to the most dim witted idiot that Bush was the most anti-union President of the last 100 years and almost every one of them said the same thing when asked why. "Dem Democrats gonna be taken my guns away from me."

It absolutely amazed me the numbers of working class people who supported a President who was overtly hostile towards their economic needs and advocated an agenda that was not in their best interest but by god they did.
Union members voting republican? I thought that was against the rules?
Most of the union People I know are rural factory workers and 75% of them voted against Obama on the basis of "I couldn't vote for a niger for President."

I don't mean to sound harsh or cynical. I'm just honestly telling you what they told me.
A hell of a lot less then Huge Gas Guzzling Pick ups and SUV's with "W04" on them. I never saw one of those on a Honda Accord or a Chevy Malibu.
That's because republicans in general make more money and have families, so can afford and need a bigger vehicle. For example I have an Expedition and an NRA sticker on it. :)
That's because republicans in general make more money and have families, so can afford and need a bigger vehicle. For example I have an Expedition and an NRA sticker on it. :)

Please check yourself southern moron.
High income voters went for Obama as did college grads.