Darla - What kind of car did you get?

That's because republicans in general make more money and have families, so can afford and need a bigger vehicle. For example I have an Expedition and an NRA sticker on it. :)
and I have a Windstar with no stickers on it. You'd better check your facts. The only group that consistantly voted for Republican in 08 were religious right and those with less than a college education. The majority of both high income earners and those with college educations voted for Obama.
Please check yourself southern moron.
High income voters went for Obama as did college grads.

and I have a Windstar with no stickers on it. You'd better check your facts. The only group that consistantly voted for Republican in 08 were religious right and those with less than a college education. The majority of both high income earners and those with college educations voted for Obama.

Higher IQ is associated with a better job and more dollars.

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Reasoning/Logic Tests For Voters
and what's that got to do with the price of tea in China? Hell even the Wall Street guys and Corporations are abandoning the Republican party on the basis of ya'll are bad for business. So you're comment is a false one. Republicans don't have more money. They used too but not any more! LOL
Proof of this? :)
I guess he hasn't seen the new polls out. Democrats are going down, down down. :D

What kool-aid have you been drinking? One poll, just one poll out of many, Rasmussen, shows a split (tie) on support for Republicans vs Democrats.

Most polls are showing that Republicans are dominated by angry white conservative religious males who are alienating every one else from the party and are losing ground in almost all Demographics.


What kool-aid have you been drinking? One poll, just one poll out of many, Rasmussen, shows a split (tie) on support for Republicans vs Democrats.

Most polls are showing that Republicans are dominated by angry white conservative religious males who are alienating every one else from the party and are losing ground in almost all Demographics.


Looks like a downward trend. :D
typical republican car:

looking at the License Tag it is obvious that Kentucky gives disabled plates to the mentally retarded.