Darlalaling: How many times do I have to warn you not to go swimming in the harbor?

Dano my boy! After that massage we shared last night, I thought you and I had made a special connection. My heart was racing all night thinking of you.

And today, I find you cyberstalking and obsessing over a female - and one who barely even knows you exist! :(

I'm crushed!

Warmest Regards,


P.S.: Call me! You know the number!
I think it's very sad that I needed to be reminded of your existence, and you have been nurturing some sort of hatred for me, and have spent your afternoon posting degrading and snarling things, in a misguided and futile attempt to hurt someone, who hasn't even given you a thought up until today. I can't even remember interacting with you. And from this, you conclude, that I need professional help.

I'd get a second opinion on that, were I in your sad shoes.
You didn't find what I said degrading at first, you tried to rile me over it. Now you pretend it hurt you all along?
Face it, you're just out of comebacks.

Don't take it so bad Darlalaling, I hadn't thought of you either but the whale story in New York I chanced on, just made me think of you: a New Yorker porker. I don't really hate you, it's called a joke, maybe someday you can make one...no promises
You didn't find what I said degrading at first, you tried to rile me over it. Now you pretend it hurt you all along?
Face it, you're just out of comebacks.

Don't take it so bad Darlalaling, I hadn't thought of you either but the whale story in New York I chanced on, just made me think of you: a New Yorker porker. I don't really hate you, it's called a joke, maybe someday you can make one...no promises

No, I said it was a "futile attempt" to hurt someone you don't even know. Reading this thread, there is no doubt that you attempted to do that, for reasons known only to yourself.

I'm sorry you feel the way that you feel, but I have long been at a loss on how to deal with these irrational hatreds that develop on message boards. I find that engaging them only fuels them. So you will have to continue with this solo.
Dano, you're embarassing the rest of us. Please. This is shameful. Grow a pair.

Relax, sheesh, it's just a joke, I know women are sensitive about weight but hey so's her scale.

What do you care anyway, you already said you don't care about any of my posts so why do you keep responding to them? Honestly Tiana you've always acted like you expected more from me, sometimes I debate seriously (usually if a lefty has any chance of being convinced of anything) and otherwise they are really just fit for burns. Tell me why you care so much?
No, I said it was a "futile attempt" to hurt someone you don't even know. Reading this thread, there is no doubt that you attempted to do that, for reasons known only to yourself.

I'm sorry you feel the way that you feel, but I have long been at a loss on how to deal with these irrational hatreds that develop on message boards. I find that engaging them only fuels them. So you will have to continue with this solo.
Uh, sorry I just "feel" it was a funny joke.
As always your logic is terrible, you say it was a futile attempt to hurt you and then you go around acting all hurt - how futile can that be? LOL
Dano... probably not that they "care" so much, just that it is rather childish. All this type of behavior does is create a negative impression of you. So what is the purpose? Running up to someone you do not know and saying "you're fat" is not a "burn"... nor is it a joke. Just my opinion.
Dano my boy! After that massage we shared last night, I thought you and I had made a special connection. My heart was racing all night thinking of you.

And today, I find you cyberstalking and obsessing over a female - and one who barely even knows you exist! :(

I'm crushed!

Warmest Regards,


P.S.: Call me! You know the number!

Thank you, guy I've never heard of before!
keep right on top of things don't you Dano ?

Snicker, snicker...

You really don't know Bush's spiritual advisor ?
Dano... probably not that they "care" so much, just that it is rather childish. All this type of behavior does is create a negative impression of you. So what is the purpose? Running up to someone you do not know and saying "you're fat" is not a "burn"... nor is it a joke. Just my opinion.
There is some history, I debated Darla some on this site months ago and on fullpolitics, she's just pretending not to remember me, probably because it's her easiest defense. You can see many debates with her and I if you search from a few months ago.

You're right it would look pretty dumb for me to do that to a stranger, but she's not and the whole reason I try the fat angle is because in one thread (as a joke) she herself said she was really fat, so I went with that.

Anyway it's just a joke, people on FP say much worse to Desh right? So no biggie and it certainly wasn't meant to be.