Darnit why don't people keep their dogs up


Villified User
Just heard a ruckus a while ago. grabbed my shotgun and ran out to the barn. A distant neighbors dog (mostly pit bull) had a calf down. Yelled at it it turned on me and I blew it away. There were 2 of them the other one got away. Calf is dead and it's momma has a hurt leg. The vet is on the way and the sherrif just headed to to the owners house to get the other one and cite the neighbor.

Stupid people!

Now the stupid owner owes me for a calf and at least a vet bill on a cow and both his dogs will be gone. KY law states that an owner must keep his dogs under control and are responsible for all damages.

I have enought trouble with coyotes let alone stupid peoples pit bulls...

Sheriff just called before I finished this and said he found the dog at the owners home with blood still on it. Animal control is on the way. If the sherrif does not shoot the dog before they get there.

Sounds like belligerant owner might go to jail for giving the sherrif a hard time too.

Still not worth it.
Just heard a ruckus a while ago. grabbed my shotgun and ran out to the barn. A distant neighbors dog (mostly pit bull) had a calf down. Yelled at it it turned on me and I blew it away. There were 2 of them the other one got away. Calf is dead and it's momma has a hurt leg. The vet is on the way and the sherrif just headed to to the owners house to get the other one and cite the neighbor.

Stupid people!

Now the stupid owner owes me for a calf and at least a vet bill on a cow and both his dogs will be gone. KY law states that an owner must keep his dogs under control and are responsible for all damages.

I have enought trouble with coyotes let alone stupid peoples pit bulls...

Sheriff just called before I finished this and said he found the dog at the owners home with blood still on it. Animal control is on the way. If the sherrif does not shoot the dog before they get there.

Sounds like belligerant owner might go to jail for giving the sherrif a hard time too.

Still not worth it.

What are you doing with a firearm? You could put a damn eye out, you crazy cowboy American! Don't let that gunaphobe Watermark catch up with you to read you the riot act!!! :orang:
How sad , the guy who had these dogs is an idiot. I wish they would oder him to not have dogs in the future. He is responsible for his own dogs deaths.
Just heard a ruckus a while ago. grabbed my shotgun and ran out to the barn. A distant neighbors dog (mostly pit bull) had a calf down. Yelled at it it turned on me and I blew it away.


Damn dude, given the close encounters I had with polar bears and musk oxen in the canadian artic, I'm taking you with me next time.
Damn dude, given the close encounters I had with polar bears and musk oxen in the canadian artic, I'm taking you with me next time.

too darn cold up there.

:) I could go into the details like most around here would but prefer not to.
Ashotgun with alaser sight...only if ya have it on full choke!...Aold but proven double barrel needs no laser sight...the spread does the trick!;)

ahh but that is my nighttime gun for such things. first two loads are #2 shot and the rest are slugs. no plug, this gun is not for hunting.
Naah BB just a 20 gauge Ithica featherlight pump with slug barrel.

At 20 ft #2 shot is pretty much like a slug.
I do not expect city folks to be able to relate to this thread.
Just keep on eatin the food we hicks send ya.