David Hogg to bankrupt MyPillow dumbass, sign of the times

Hmmm....Is he going broke?? We asked for donations for rescue one time..he was very generous....
I can't wait to see David Hogg selling pillows...

I have no interest if hogg sells them or not. Starting a business involves a lot more than a wish. Pillow man helps support the racketball tour, I appreciate him doing that.
David Hogg launching competitor to Mike Lindell's MyPillow

Source: Axios

March for Our Lives co-founder David Hogg tweeted on Thursday that he and software developer William LeGate are launching a pillow company to compete against MyPillow, which is led by Trump supporter CEO Mike Lindell,

Details... Hogg wrote that he and LeGate hope to "sell $1 million of product within our first year" and to launch in about six months.

"[W]e would like to do it sooner but we have strict guidelines on sustainability and [U.S.] based Union producers," Hogg added.

"Mike isn't going to know what hit him—this pillow fight is just getting started."

Read more: https://www.axios.com/david-hogg-pi...ate-6d23b1a7-50b1-4f31-9391-53e69e36ca58.html

I'm making a comparison. Hogg isn't likely to get very far with his latest crackpot scheme either. He has enough name recognition that he can get the MSM to give him five minutes of their time, but that doesn't translate into building a successful business. I doubt he has the wherewithal to manage to do that based on his track record.

Of course, my interest in this is minimal since I wouldn't buy a grossly over-priced piece of bedding from either one...

how many voters did Hogg and his org get to the polls?..........you don't know and neither do I but for sure many

why does the survivor of a mass shooting piss you off?

are you just another paranoid gun freak worrying the big bad libruls are coming for those guns you bought with the rent money?
I have no interest if hogg sells them or not. Starting a business involves a lot more than a wish. Pillow man helps support the racketball tour, I appreciate him doing that.
He was very nice to us....I can't wait to see the Hogg pillow project....I wonder if he got a business degree....
how many voters did Hogg and his org get to the polls?..........you don't know and neither do I but for sure many

Irrelevant and even more so since you make this into a post hoc prompter hoc fallacy.

why does the survivor of a mass shooting piss you off?

Do you still beat your girlfriend? Complex question fallacy.

are you just another paranoid gun freak worrying the big bad libruls are coming for those guns you bought with the rent money?

Now you use a complex question fallacy in the form of an ad hominem.

Everything you ranted here is meaningless as it is no response really, just vitriol and ad hominem as expected of the Left.
I figure that this guy is going to make pillows like celebs make perfume....in otherwords the only reason they are there is for the marketing....that is what they get paid for.
As a product, I think MyPillow blows. That said, I would never buy a pillow from someone who hates America as much as Boss Hogg does.