DAWG THREAD post yer pup's pics

yeah that's really cool. but now i think you're super psycho.


here's my progession into madness

all started one snowy night in CT with me, a sattelite dish, and Richard Hoagland's pyramids on mars which I happened to flip on the TV.

From there I eventually was led to golden ratio math and in order to visualize it myself and for me to explain it to others at the bar, I made a little sphere out of a single piece of wire to represent the flow of energy and, thus mass.

Unfortunately, I just tried to take a picture of it, but my camera just stopped working when you hit the button. Very strange since I used it earlier.


Anyway, I then got so good with the wires I made sculptures and they were so freaking cool I had to make more.

puff puff
bend bend
think think
bend bend
puff puff
art work!!
OK, I got my camera to work again.

here's the sphere that started it all.

It's a phi spiral that loops back after 2 revolutions and then follows the inverse path back to center.

This is Raven Humphrey Dumpster, who died about 14 months ago. I miss him:


Here is the Australian Labrador (mixed breed dog) Koda "The Mouth" Eatsabunch.


She eats a bunch for sure, but none of it seems to be her food.

And finally, the Old Lady... Diva Monet:


And yes, she runs fast, but not nearly as far as she used to.
This is Raven Humphrey Dumpster, who died about 14 months ago. I miss him:


Here is the Australian Labrador (mixed breed dog) Koda "The Mouth" Eatsabunch.


She eats a bunch for sure, but none of it seems to be her food.

And finally, the Old Lady... Diva Monet:


And yes, she runs fast, but not nearly as far as she used to.

Damo, the pics aren't here.
this is Henry, the mutt. He kinda looks like a dalmatian that is going to a costume party with a beagle mask on.