DC Junkies

The founders also sought to avoid democracy.


dear fucking idiot

they created a hybrid that had yet to be seen on earth

a Democratic Republic with a constitution

you evil assholes lying about reality proves how hard you suck ass

The word democracy was CHANGED by the founders ideas

terms like PURE democracy and direct democracy had to be added to the dictionaries because of how the founders USED the ideas of democracy in the planning of the nation

this is why the right hates funding schools

it makes it easier for them to LIE to the American people and get away with it
The founders also sought to avoid democracy.

That is obvious in the creation of the rectoral college..

“[The Senate] ought to be so constituted as to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority.”
― James Madison

dear fucking idiot

they created a hybrid that had yet to be seen on earth

a Democratic Republic with a constitution

you evil assholes lying about reality proves how hard you suck ass

The word democracy was CHANGED by the founders ideas

terms like PURE democracy and direct democracy had to be added to the dictionaries because of how the founders USED the ideas of democracy in the planning of the nation

this is why the right hates funding schools

it makes it easier for them to LIE to the American people and get away with it

Another who would rather spend time with insults rather than using it to read Federalist #10 where Madison tells us exactly what he sought to avoid--the tyranny of the majority that would allow one faction to impose its will on others.

Mason: “It would be as unnatural ... to let the people choose the president as it would be to refer
a trial of colors to a blind man.”

Hamilton: “The voice of the people has been said to be the voice of God; and however generally
this maxim has been quoted and believed, it is not true in fact. The people are turbulent and
changing; they seldom judge right.”

Sherman: “The people immediately should have as little to do as may be about the government.”

Gouverneur Morris: Morris argued for property qualifications for the voters and stated “give the
votes to the people who have no property and they will sell them to the rich who will be able to
buy them.”