Little twit .. I left a message for you on your Nazi flag thread.

Oh thank you

I was just saying "man I wish some racist piece of fuck with very little functioning grey matter would give me a word turd this morning so I could stick their nose in it and say "Bad boy" as I swing the rolled up paper at them"

Ill just hurry over now
Oh thank you

I was just saying "man I wish some racist piece of fuck with very little functioning grey matter would give me a word turd this morning so I could stick their nose in it and say "Bad boy" as I swing the rolled up paper at them"

Ill just hurry over now

Yea me too.

Maybe we'll find one this morning.
more evidence of global warming was discovered yesterday in upper Michigan....
its a dead animal.....I can say it died from whatever I want.....just like the sciency guys in the OP........(this logic stuff confuses you, huh?)
5 Reasons Conservatives Don't Believe Climate Change is Our Fault

1. Using Contrarians As "Objective" Experts
Fox News certainly has a massive roster of pundits who disagree with the issue of climate change and its origins, but many of these figures (who are used quite frequently) don't even have degrees in climate science and in many cases these "experts" are on the bankroll of fossil fuels companies. These contrarians are often labeled as objective authorities on climate change, but the only commentary they provide is usually factually incorrect and their credibility is next to none...

2. Belittling Peer-Reviewed Scientific Institutions
Fox News has always had a knack for picking on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an institution that brings together thousands of respectable scientists from across the world to discuss the topic of understanding climate change fully. Conservative media outlets have repeatedly described the committee as non-credible, with certain individuals, such as Rush Limbaugh, going on record as calling them akin to terrorists. Not only does Fox believe that nothing the IPCC has ever stated has been true, but the news network dismissed the ICPP's 2007 report because one of its over 1,250 authors happened to be a grad student...

3. Identifying Science As a Liberal Idea
Conservatives often claim that believing in climate change is more of a liberal stance, best shown when Fox Sunday host Chris Wallace asked then-presidential-candidate Herman Cain if Chris Christie was too liberal for the GOP based on his views on the climate among other topics. On top of that, Juan Williams and Bernie Goldberg discussed on the O'Reilly Factor how liberals have tried to propel climate change arguments in order to boost Obama's energy initiatives by way of "liberal propaganda." At this point conservative media has practically established to its audience that to believe in global warming or climate change is essentially the same thing as being liberal.

4. Claiming That Scientists Misreport Data for Increased Funding
In 2009, the famous "Climategate" erupted into the media attention as over 1,000 emails between scientists at the Climate Research Unit of the UK's University of East Anglia were leaked to the internet by an anonymous hacker and interpreted by climate skeptics (including many at Fox News) as proof that research was being manipulated by the scientists. It turned out eventually that the emails were mostly taken out of context and that all claims by right-wing pundits who claimed the data was falsified were exaggerations blown way out of proportion. However this was the perfect opportunity for Fox News to expose climate scientists as dishonorable researchers purposefully manipulating their findings in order to obtain funding...

5. Portraying Climate Science As a "Religion"
Contrarians like to describe themselves, according to the Yale study, as "brave dissidents against an oppressive set of beliefs," meaning that they view the ideas of global warming experts as nothing more than opinions rather than fact-based material. Rush Limbaugh has repeatedly called climate change a "hoax" and has portrayed Al Gore as something of a religious zealot whose intentions are to brainwash the country into believing that climate change exists. The words religion and cult get thrown around a lot by the right-wing media, exclusively in a negative context of course, essentially describing believers in climate change as nothing more than irrational disciples. Fox has even gone to the extent of calling the IPCC's report a "Climate Bible," with the obvious implication that nothing provided in this research is based off of actual fact in the slightest.

Why does the right fight so hard and spend so much money against science? Because they don't give a shit about anything but money and power and they need you ignorant bitches to make it work for them. They understand the power of propaganda, you limbaugh lovers don't. You wing-nuts can believe corporate sponsored 'news' but the more you watch and believe the more ignorant you become, which is exactly what Faux and their international sponsors want.