Dear Damo: Freemasonary


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Are you sure that you aren't just being left in the dark till you hit the 33rd degree? :/

You can never know for sure, right? :)
Yes, I am sure that I am not being left in the dark until the 33rd degree. That is a honorary degree given to some old guy that has spent a ton of money and worked really hard to raise money for freemasonry. Honestly, there are far fewer secrets than people think.
That's just what they told you damo....

Do you guys have signs, are you able to recognize other freemasons in public?

If you were to apply for a job and the employer was a freemason as were you, would he hire you on the spot?
Do you all know that many / most of our founding fathers and early leaders were Masons ?
Just stating a fact not for or against em.
Yes I know that. Back then I think the freemasons definately were more badass then they are today. A lot of people say the freemasons were integral in the american revolution as well as the french.
Yes I know that. Back then I think the freemasons definately were more badass then they are today. A lot of people say the freemasons were integral in the american revolution as well as the french.
Yes, the French were indeed integral to the American revolution. Moreso than the masons, I think.

Installed any wheelchair ramps at the temple yet, Damo? ;)
so the french were instrumental in our revoloution, but seem to be quite hated now-a-days, especially by the neocons....
so the french were instrumental in our revoloution, but seem to be quite hated now-a-days, especially by the neocons....
Well, that makes sense doesn't it? The neocons believe in a Traditional America, without all of this "freedom" crap to dilute the purity of our essence.
it seems that way, but the idea of purity of essence in "the Melting Pot" is ludicrous.
Whaa-AAT? Do you support imposing a pax Americana on the world or do you support terrorists raping blonde, blue-eyed American cheerleaders in the middle of the streets of Nebraska? Which is it, you traitorous lefty?
That's just what they told you damo....

Do you guys have signs, are you able to recognize other freemasons in public?

If you were to apply for a job and the employer was a freemason as were you, would he hire you on the spot?
No, actually being qualified would be important to another Mason. And if a Freemason wasn't wearing jewelry (I don't) or didn't specifically mention it I would have no idea if he were a Freemason.

The "secrets" pretty much consist of handshakes and largely published speeches... Even in the 1700s there were jokes about the "secrets" of Freemasonry.

If you saw these old men that are 33rd degree recipients it would pretty much end your idea of Freemasonry holding control over anything other than the money they donate.
Until the power goes out, whereupon it's called a useless appendage. And y'all have this thing against useless appendages, if memory serves.
Can't imagine what you are talking about...

If the power went out just at a meeting time we would likely cancel the meeting. If the elevator was down we would bring our brother up the stairs ourselves.
Can't imagine what you are talking about...

If the power went out just at a meeting time we would likely cancel the meeting. If the elevator was down we would bring our brother up the stairs ourselves.
LOL! Fair enough.

So, you guys allow disabled folk in the building now? Good on ya. That was always my biggest gripe against the Freemasons: that "whole of body" thing. If you ever get around to admitting women I might even consider joining. It's something of a family tradition, after all.
LOL! Fair enough.

So, you guys allow disabled folk in the building now? Good on ya. That was always my biggest gripe against the Freemasons: that "whole of body" thing. If you ever get around to admitting women I might even consider joining. It's something of a family tradition, after all.
We always have. However, due to the ceremonies somebody who is handicapped cannot join. They must be physically able to perform the ceremonies. However many of our members are currently handicapped due to age or accident. They are still members regardless of the handicap.
We always have. However, due to the ceremonies somebody who is handicapped cannot join. They must be physically able to perform the ceremonies. However many of our members are currently handicapped due to age or accident. They are still members regardless of the handicap.
Woops. Back to square one again. See, I figure that if the physical demands of the ceremonies preclude otherwise willing and able people from joining then the ceremonies need to be changed. Just a little prejudice of mine, that.
Woops. Back to square one again. See, I figure that if the physical demands of the ceremonies preclude otherwise willing and able people from joining then the ceremonies need to be changed. Just a little prejudice of mine, that.
I understand. If I were the King I'd make it different. I am not, however, and none are...