Dear Damo: Freemasonary

Masons Struggle With Racial Separation

Associated Press Writer

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) -- The Masons, the storied fraternal order whose members have included Mozart, George Washington and John Wayne, has become entwined across the Deep South with the remnants of another tradition in these parts: strict segregation.

Nationwide, Masonic groups operate in a separate-but-supposedly-equal system in which whites typically join one network of Masonic groups, called Grand Lodges, and blacks typically join another, called Prince Hall.

But in the South, it goes further: White-controlled Grand Lodges in 12 Southern states do not even officially recognize black Masons as their brothers - the Masonic term is "mutual recognition" - and in some cases, black lodges have taken similar stands.

Masons have quietly debated race relations for years, and the issue is increasingly coming into public view.

In Alabama, some dissident whites have split from the lodge system, and Republican Gov. Bob Riley's membership in an all-white lodge has drawn fire in his campaign for a second term. In North Carolina, white Masons recently voted down a bid to recognize members of the black group as fellow Masons.

"Only the states of the old Confederacy, minus Virginia and plus West Virginia, don't have mutual recognition," said Paul Bessel, a Maryland Mason who wrote a book on the topic. "There are, I'm sorry to say, some Masons who are racists. But the vast majority don't feel that way."
Our lodge does not have this problem. Because of this Alabama lodges do not recognize Colorado lodges. There are very few places where this is any longer an issue. And even in those places, blacks who become masons in the regular lodges are recognized as Freemasons, it is only Prince Hall lodges that they do not recognize.

The ideation that this is because of race is wrong, it is because they have a separate charter granted outside of the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Alabama. I'd bet there are black freemasons in the regular lodges there as well....

However, as I stated in Colorado we recognize Prince Hall lodges, and since we have allowed them to sit in our lodges they call us "clandestine"...

BTW - There are also white Prince Hall guys, one that I know of that came from Alabama.
There are many misconceptions about Freemasonry. One of the largest is that those who do not accept Prince Hall lodges do it because of race.
I dunno Damo, I Just know that I have never seen a black Mason to know them.
A couple of my uncles were Masons, and some co-workers.
I really don't know what goes on in the Masononic oraganization, well I thought they were all one organization till today anyway.
I dunno Damo, I Just know that I have never seen a black Mason to know them.
A couple of my uncles were Masons, and some co-workers.
I really don't know what goes on in the Masononic oraganization, well I thought they were all one organization till today anyway.
I raised three while I was Master of our lodge.
I dunno Damo, I Just know that I have never seen a black Mason to know them.
A couple of my uncles were Masons, and some co-workers.
I really don't know what goes on in the Masononic oraganization, well I thought they were all one organization till today anyway.
Yeah, there are different organizations. Most lodges recognize the Prince Hall Masons because their Charter comes directly from England. However most of the lodges extend from a Charter from a Scottish Grand Lodge. Therefore there are some who regard the Prince Hall Masons as "clandestine" out of sheer stubbornness, not because of race. They'd accept a Freemason visiting from a different lodge of another nation regardless of race. It's all because of those original charters and those Grand Lodges are run by some crotchety old stubborn guys....
I raised three while I was Master of our lodge.

good for you and your Lodge Damo. I am glad to hear the problem is not as widepsread as the article leads one to believe.
I do expect that it is a problem in the south though. Rascism is still alive and well there, the volume is just turned down.
Yes, I have chosen not to spend the time to go through the other degrees yet. I have a family that needs me to be around.

However, my Grandfather was the Grand Master of Illinois and a 33rd Degree Mason.
The 3rd Degree is actually the highest Degree in Freemasonry. All the other "Degrees" are in secondary Groups that are not in the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge.

They extend the same principles through more allegorical symbolism.
The Masons are a Luciferian organization.

They are dangerous, but not nearly as dangerous as the Illuminati. The Illuminati, along with the Roman Catholic Cult, will establish the New World Order. There will be a unified ecclesiastical system, in which the entire world (except for Christians) will bow to Queen of Heaven, Isis. There will also be a return of the Nephilim in those final days.

On September 11, 1990, George H.W. Bush delivered a speech calling for a New World Order. Precisely 11 years later, TO THE DAY, well... you know what happened! The 9/11 terrorist attacks laid the foundation for the New World Order. But what is the significance of the number 11?

Does this correlate, perhaps, with Nibiru being the 11th body of our solar system? (Sol, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Tiamat, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Nibiru). And precisely what is going to happen on September 11, 2012?

Soon I will be posting my extensive research on the subject, backed 100% with scripture (the Bible + 1 Enoch), Bible Codes, simple logic, and scientific evidence.

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The Masons are a Luciferian organization.

They are dangerous, but not nearly as dangerous as the Illuminati. The Illuminati, along with the Roman Catholic Cult, will establish the New World Order. There will be a unified ecclesiastical system, in which the entire world (except for Christians) will bow to Queen of Heaven, Isis. There will also be a return of the Nephilim in those final days.

On September 11, 1990, George H.W. Bush delivered a speech calling for a New World Order. Precisely 11 years later, TO THE DAY, well... you know what happened! The 9/11 terrorist attacks laid the foundation for the New World Order. But what is the significance of the number 11?

Does this correlate, perhaps, with Nibiru being the 11th body of our solar system? (Sol, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Tiamat, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Nibiru). And precisely what is going to happen on September 11, 2012?

Soon I will be posting my extensive research on the subject, backed 100% with scripture (the Bible + 1 Enoch), Bible Codes, simple logic, and scientific evidence.


Relax everybody, brent's on the case. Go brent!:clink:
Woops. Back to square one again. See, I figure that if the physical demands of the ceremonies preclude otherwise willing and able people from joining then the ceremonies need to be changed. Just a little prejudice of mine, that.

Just out of curiosity.. how many paraplegics do you know that are interested in joining the Masons? I mean, this seems to be a major concern of yours .. :rolleyes: