Dear Democrats, Trump won in 2016...

How many people believed what they saw and heard in the fake news? Their hatred of Trump was baked in from jump and the msm reinforced it.
The msm didn't change Trump voters' minds.

Ah, no duh!

You ain't going regurgitate everything is because Democrats are mad Trump won in 2016 again are you? Getting lame

And I suppose if Trump was to lose in 2020 it will be because the election was rigged? That was the line leading into 2016

Well, there was definitely some rigging going on lol!
that is why the republicans refuse to do anything about the Russians messing with our elections

they will need the Russian help again to win
It's frightening. And, they walk among us...they drive.....and they vote.:whoa:

It always amazes me how gullible conservatives are, how they dote on wacko conspiracy theories, how they just drool and follow blatant con artists. They walk among us, drive, ...and even vote.

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And how many times does this make? This same discussion is played out by you more times then I can count, Evmetro. If you think this is trolling, you should know it's too lame, and repetitive for that.
How many people believed what they saw and heard in the fake news? Their hatred of Trump was baked in from jump and the msm reinforced it.
The msm didn't change Trump voters' minds.

The true fake news is what you've implicitly believed from the right-wing propaganda outlets over the last decade or so

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He's not all wrong, a shift of fewer than 80,000 votes in three states, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, gave Trump 46 electoral votes, those votes swung the election.

Coincidentally, they are also three of the four states Russia focused their social media strategdy leading up to the election, just saying

I live in PA. and didn't see anything relating to or from Russia on social media. Your Russia shtick is an illusion created by TDS. You lost. Get over it.
How many people are only drinking Bud Lite now cause their ads claim they are the only beer company that doesn't use sugar cane in their production? How many people lost money cause they actually believed house flipping was as easy as it is portrayed in infomercials and on line?

Unmeasurable, but it certainly could be considered circumstantial that those States were the States the Russians focused their efforts

The Fake Dossier was being leaked [as part of a ‘coordinated leak strategy’ with a complicit media] before the election.

How many votes do you think that cost Trump?