Dear Donald Trump Supporters about a pot calling a kettle black. 99% of the posts from leftists are nothing but strawman arguments. The fact is You, Mueller, the FBI, the CIA, or the NY Times have been able to introduce any evidence of Trumps supposed corruption. The only thing presented are accusations void of any evidential facts. This is laughable after little George was charged with everything from the attack on 911 to even manipulating the weather to insure that dangerous weather only attacked Blue voting blocks. :palm:

WTF is wrong with you rightys. Mueller is investigating. He does not leak and nobody knows what he has found.He is not emailing ralph with his findings. I guess that is proof he has nothing..
Can Donald Trump continue to defy political gravity?
With all the half-witted male chauvinists and racists holding him up, yes, till they die off or shoot one another. Imagine a woman in charge, or a half-Irishman. Not to be tolerated in the Reich!