Dear leftists on the Board

Would you please drop any effort t pretending you love this country! You want it to mirror Mutha Russia! You are either to stupid to see that the democrat party is Marxist, or are in agreement with Marxism! I said when the wall fell that Russia would infiltrate our Government, looks as though I was right with the likes of Biden, Pelosi, Clinton, Schumer, Schitt! Many more to many to name! Just Stop pretending to give a rats ass about America!

You need to put the politics down for a while and get yourself a life!
Yes. I'm speaking to you. Your entire schtick is unAmerican. Fortunately, you are just a troll, and I can safely put you on ignore with the rest of them.

Go for it, you won't be the first liberal to put me on Ignore because the truth makes them cry themselves to sleep at night!
I don’t hate America, I dislike what many are trying to turn America into, but I, nor have I seen many “lefties” here, say they hated America, in fact, by some of the very thoughts I have seen some Trumpkins express here, they are the ones who hate what this country is and what it has accomplished

Right, we are the ones burning flags, and tearing down monuments, burning, and looting, if that is the America you dream of move!
Would you please drop any effort t pretending you love this country! You want it to mirror Mutha Russia! You are either to stupid to see that the democrat party is Marxist, or are in agreement with Marxism! I said when the wall fell that Russia would infiltrate our Government, looks as though I was right with the likes of Biden, Pelosi, Clinton, Schumer, Schitt! Many more to many to name! Just Stop pretending to give a rats ass about America!


^Forum Fool

Dance for us, clown.

No lefties on this thread deny their hatred of America. Opening post is spot on. The lefties on this thread are backing the marxist revolution.


I predict Evmetro will post some babbling piece of bullshit and when people reply to point that out, he will respond with a juvenile “I told you so!”

Thank you in advance for proving me correct.”
Are you speaking to me?
I have watched as your political party has been taken over by radical left wing Marxists like Antifa and BLM! Denial will just make it harder on you in the future! Diversity? Hmm, seems like Christians are left out of your diverse universe!

Party's been "taken over" by Antifa and BLM? Let me know when their members get into elected offices so I can be properly outraged.
It's because I was born in Michigan, and my mother was born and raised there, as is her family! My wife is an Ohio State Alum, that particular Saturday gets wild at my house! Feel free to post your feeling on the actual subject though!

There isn’t a subject here. Just a lame ad hom logical fallacy.
Right, we are the ones burning flags, and tearing down monuments, burning, and looting, if that is the America you dream of move!

The people who do that are on the fringe. However, Fascists like you have gone mainstream in the RNC. And Fascism is unamerican.