Dear Retards, 1/3rd isn't funny anymore

I've never said 1/3 wasn't real. I've never said 1/3 didn't exist. I've never said things can't be divided by thirds. I've not even said that one can't be divided by three!

The Great 1/3 Debate is a classic example of how far pinheads will go to "argue" something that can't be argued. I started it as a joke, a spoof, to see just how much they would continue to post in rebuttal, and to date, I think there have been well over 5,000 posts made regarding the "argument" that one can't be divided equally by three without producing a remainder. Now, I am really sorry if that 'offends' you or Damo, or any other moron out there who thinks the contrary, but unless they change mathematics, that is the case. There is no "argument" to it.

You are right though, it's not funny anymore. But I don't think they do it to be funny, I think they believe it annoys me somehow. I am not the least bit annoyed by morons being idiotic, if that were the case, this place would annoy the piss outta me on a routine basis. It does annoy me when people I thought had some intelligence, like yourself, seem to think I made some outrageous claim, like "1/3 doesn't exist!" That IS annoying, and you should stop acting stupid like that.
How about the new one, where, instead of passing the bailout & stimulus, we could have used the same amount of money to give every taxpayer $250,000.00?

I'm switching to that one....
It never was funny. I stayed out of the whole thing because it was stupid. Technically, Dixie was right in that you can not divide 1 into three equal parts, but then there are such infintestimal differences that one would actually be splitting hairs to say you can't do so.

Actually, what was funny was how foolish everyone looked trying to berate him for his argument which was mathematically correct.

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I stayed out of it too Immie, I never even saw the damned thread, its still funny as hell.

Dixie has been so wrong about EVERYTHING he has backed all these year the 1/3rd is just a symbol of all of that.
It never was funny. I stayed out of the whole thing because it was stupid. Technically, Dixie was right in that you can not divide 1/3 into three equal parts, but then there are such infintestimal differences that one would actually be splitting hairs to say you can't do so.

Actually, what was funny was how foolish everyone looked trying to berate him for his argument which was mathematically correct.


Divide 1/3 into 3 equal parts?

Man I missed the entire topic then I thought it was divide 1 into 3 equal parts.
You just need to use base 3 number system.

So simple a caveman could do it.
It never was funny. I stayed out of the whole thing because it was stupid. Technically, Dixie was right in that you can not divide 1 into three equal parts, but then there are such infintestimal differences that one would actually be splitting hairs to say you can't do so.

Actually, what was funny was how foolish everyone looked trying to berate him for his argument which was mathematically correct.


Divide 1/3 into 3 equal parts?

Man I missed the entire topic then I thought it was divide 1 into 3 equal parts.
You just need to use base 3 number system.

So simple a caveman could do it.

"What 'cho talkin' 'bout, USC". I said 1 into 3 equal parts.

Hehe, no, I edited it. Thanks for catching my typing error. :clink:

It never was funny. I stayed out of the whole thing because it was stupid. Technically, Dixie was right in that you can not divide 1 into three equal parts, but then there are such infintestimal differences that one would actually be splitting hairs to say you can't do so.

Actually, what was funny was how foolish everyone looked trying to berate him for his argument which was mathematically correct.


It never was funny. I stayed out of the whole thing because it was stupid. Technically, Dixie was right in that you can not divide 1 into three equal parts, but then there are such infintestimal differences that one would actually be splitting hairs to say you can't do so.

Yes you can. It's an infinite repeating decimal, but it's a predictable pattern and we know exactly what it equates to in exact fractions - 1/3. 1/3 times three is one, even whenever you divide one into three, because 1/3 = 0.33333e, 0.33333e times three is 0.99999e, and 0.99999999e = 1. I can pull up several mathematical proofs of this.
Divide 1/3 into 3 equal parts?

Man I missed the entire topic then I thought it was divide 1 into 3 equal parts.
You just need to use base 3 number system.

So simple a caveman could do it.

It's true that in base 3 1/3 isn't an infinite repeater. But division of one into three is still perfectly possible in the decimal system. The fact that it's an infinite repeater doesn't change the value - when we KNOW it represents 1/3, it represents 1/3.
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