dear tabasco

Why is your name Grind? Why is my name Threedee? Why is the emo kid's name Watermark? Why is the admin called Damocles? Why is the Hawaiian called Beefy? Why is the crackhead called Epicurus? Why is the incoherent business asshole called Topspin? Why is the Earth round? Why is uscitizen retarded? Whatever became of care4all?
when I was like 14 I was going to make a website called webgrind. It was actually a url suggestion. That never came to fruition but I signed up at a messageboard as Grind in 2000. Then when came around I used that name again, and have since kept it for traditions sake, even though now when I sign up places I usually sign up as "Exoendo" which is another, random name.
I'm "Beefy" because I created "BeefyBastard" at fp as a dig on dano always talking about is career at McDonald's. Beef - Hamburger. Honestly, LadyT always laughed at this spoof character, and I wanted to finally get credit for it, so I created "Beefy" here.

I was also StuPidasso which strictly copied WRL's posts verbatim in order to shine a light on his StuPidass shit.
I'm "Beefy" because I created "BeefyBastard" at fp as a dig on dano always talking about is career at McDonald's. Beef - Hamburger. Honestly, LadyT always laughed at this spoof character, and I wanted to finally get credit for it, so I created "Beefy" here.

I was also StuPidasso which strictly copied WRL's posts verbatim in order to shine a light on his StuPidass shit.

I'm actually aware of why you and Topspin go by your respective names. Oddly enough, I'm also aware of why I go by mine. And Epic's isn't really difficult to consider, since its grounded in philosophy...

I just felt the need to save this trainwreck of a thread.
Ah, so I have to be politically correct, otherwise Grind (aka the regional chair for PETA and ELF) goes neg rep on me... I always thought he was a liberal pussy who wears pink underwear.
I'm "Beefy" because I created "BeefyBastard" at fp as a dig on dano always talking about is career at McDonald's. Beef - Hamburger. Honestly, LadyT always laughed at this spoof character, and I wanted to finally get credit for it, so I created "Beefy" here.

I was also StuPidasso which strictly copied WRL's posts verbatim in order to shine a light on his StuPidass shit.

haha!! I Remember that.
For a while, Dano used to always start his posts with, "when I worked at McDonald's...."

BeefyBastard was one of my all time favorite trolls. When you first did it, it was really subtle and then it grew.
it's kind of funny though how everyone in this thread thinks I care about THEIR names, when I was REALLY interested in TABASCO.
Oh, oh, mine comes from the cup size that I enjoy motorboating the most!!!

