dear tabasco

I was in a buddy's kitchen using my laptop when I registered on this site. At a loss for a username, I determined that I would open his refrigerator and the first object I beheld would determine my moniker. It was a bottle of Tabasco. The rest is history. :cool:

Oh, oh, mine comes from the cup size that I enjoy motorboating the most!!!

My ex-girlfriend has triple-Ds, pierced. They provided hours of enjoyment. However, last I heard she was having a reduction. Tits of that magnitude can cause serious back issues.
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I was in a buddy's kitchen using my laptop when I registered on this site. At a loss for a username, I determined that I would open his refrigerator and the first object I beheld would determine my moniker. It was a bottle of Tabasco. The rest is history. :cool:

My ex-girlfriend has triple-Ds, pierced. They provided hours of enjoyment. However, last I heard she was having a reduction. Tits of that magnitude can cause serious back issues.

It's a good thing that it wasn't Wishbone Ranch Dressing.
I was Tianabautre and Damo kept calling me LadyT which I liked better!

Originally when I first strated net surfing my handle was "Mott the Hoople" but for some reason a lot of boards won't let me sign up with that handle. I still prefer that to Mottleydude.
I was in a buddy's kitchen using my laptop when I registered on this site. At a loss for a username, I determined that I would open his refrigerator and the first object I beheld would determine my moniker. It was a bottle of Tabasco. The rest is history. :cool:

My ex-girlfriend has triple-Ds, pierced. They provided hours of enjoyment. However, last I heard she was having a reduction. Tits of that magnitude can cause serious back issues.

My girls an A cup wonder but I don't care cause she's still hot. She can wear a cocktail dress with out a bra when we go clubbing and god does she look hot!!
I've never seen Tabasco stored anywhere but a refrigerator.
In almost every case I have seen it is stored in the cabinets. It doesn't say "Refrigerate after opening" because it is unnecessary, and there is no reason to put cold stuff on hot food.
In almost every case I have seen it is stored in the cabinets. It doesn't say "Refrigerate after opening" because it is unnecessary, and there is no reason to put cold stuff on hot food.

Tabasco sauce is quite acidic and this is probably what keeps it from spoiling at room temp. I've never put it in the fridge and we've never had a problem.