Death Toll

If the Dems want a shot in 2008, then they need to accomplish something other than going after Bush. She understands that.

Well, I don't think keeping up our military presences in Iraq is going to do that. If I were them I'd focus on stemming illegal immigration and securing our ports and borders. But not just bringing lip service to it, they are going to have to implement something that brings about results.

Some things I think the democrats can win on in the next two years:

1) Inexpensive mass deportations and high fines for companies that hire illegals - someone had an idea about having the fines go to the local hospitals. I thought that was brilliant.

2) Actually having secured ports. I don't know if you recall but when the Dubai debacle happened, the most ironic thing to me was the fact that these politicians were up in arms about a possible security breech, when they had all failed to implement security measures. Long story short, there really was no threat to security because there was no real security.

3) Pulling out of Iraq. Its not that difficult either. If they make US presence a ballot initiative, they can use that as an excuse to leave. Clearly they don't want us there, we don't want to be there, and this way we can save some face. All the while highlighting that the republicans have gotten us into this quagmire/cival war.

4) Impeach Bush. He's a loser who should be thrown out on his as$. He does not deserve to simply have his two terms be up. I don't care what you or Pelosi say.
I would rather Bush be prosecuted as a common criminal with politics out of the equation. I think this can be done after he leaves office.
So Super, apparently Rob is also by his own logic tied to everything bad that happens in his own town as well ?
He just PM'd me and told me he participated in a pit bull round up where they killed all of the dogs. looks like you were right.
They took them all to my house. For some reason my place is where it's at when it comes time for the killing....
"Superfreak Lives in Denver, Denver Kills pitbulls,

its really a no-brainer."

Well, given a pitbull nearly ripped my kneecap off when I was a kid, I am not going to feel sorry for the poor bastards.

1) never going to happen. We need the immigrants here. I saw a day without a Mexican and personally I think it is spot on.

2) The only way we are going to have real security is to shut down the ports and borders and that will never happen. The Dubai thing was a biggoted joke from the start. Not ALL muslims are planning to blow us up.

3) At this point, we do need to change our policies, because we are certainly not accomplishing much. Not sure if a troop pullout is the best policy. But I do agree that your suggestion would be a way to sneak out while attempting to save face.

4) Well, I DO care what you have to say. Given that I am such a kind and compassionate man.... blah blah blah...;) that said, still not going to happen... no matter how hard you wish it were so.
"Yeah Super, Pitbull prejudice is a wise thing."

WRONG. You cannot profile pitbulls that way. You must randomly kill dogs of all breeds and just hope you get the pitbulls in the process.
"He just PM'd me and told me he participated in a pit bull round up where they killed all of the dogs. looks like you were right."

WHO did WHAT????
"Yeah Super, Pitbull prejudice is a wise thing."

WRONG. You cannot profile pitbulls that way. You must randomly kill dogs of all breeds and just hope you get the pitbulls in the process.

LOL That would seem to be the American way.
Of course contrary to popular belief we are not always right.
"Superfreak Lives in Denver, Denver Kills pitbulls,

its really a no-brainer."

Well, given a pitbull nearly ripped my kneecap off when I was a kid, I am not going to feel sorry for the poor bastards.

1 out of a million, and im sure you did something to antagonize it.....

in any event i am on a personal boycott of Colorado, and will not ever step foot in the state as long as you have mass genocide going on there.
"1 out of a million, and im sure you did something to antagonize it...."

Actually, it was 4 out of 20 that were bitten. Yeah... we were playing baseball.... how antagonistic. The dog was chained up over three blocks away... broke its chain... saw us running around and felt it was evil for us to be doing so. Bastard then bit three kids as they scrambled for the dugout (which thankfully had gates). I ran to the owners house to let it know it was loose. Talking with the owner when the dog rounded the corner. Dog bit into my knee as the owner hid behind me. I enjoyed watching the pound come and take the bastard away. Also enjoyed watching the owner try to explain to the judge why he hid behind a kid from his own dog.

Sorry man. I like you and all, but pitbulls can all burn as far as I am concerned.
"1 out of a million, and im sure you did something to antagonize it...."

Actually, it was 4 out of 20 that were bitten. Yeah... we were playing baseball.... how antagonistic. The dog was chained up over three blocks away... broke its chain... saw us running around and felt it was evil for us to be doing so. Bastard then bit three kids as they scrambled for the dugout (which thankfully had gates). I ran to the owners house to let it know it was loose. Talking with the owner when the dog rounded the corner. Dog bit into my knee as the owner hid behind me. I enjoyed watching the pound come and take the bastard away. Also enjoyed watching the owner try to explain to the judge why he hid behind a kid from his own dog.

Sorry man. I like you and all, but pitbulls can all burn as far as I am concerned.

there is a history of chaining ANY dog and the dogs demenor... its the owners fault...
"there is a history of chaining ANY dog and the dogs demenor... its the owners fault..."

I have had dogs all my life. My uncle breeds them. Pit bulls are horrible dogs. Put them all down and go with a nice lab or retriever.