Why are so many on JPP fixated on death? Almost every day someone here wishes someone will die?

Does that make you cry?

Only a antisocial type would wish someone die. And there are plenty of that type on JPP.

This may not be a good place for you. Who making you stay here?

You should kill yourself. You're a nobody. You'll always be a nobody. You're a moron. You will always be a moron. No one will miss you. No one would care. The worlds collective IQ would increase and it would save the valuable oxygen you waste with every breath.

Why are so many on JPP fixated on death? Almost every day someone here wishes someone will die?
I cannot speak for women, but in my decades of experience with male banter and ego, there are only three basic reasons a dude would hate you enough to wish for your death. It always comes down to one or more of these categories.

1) Money
2) Women
3) A humiliating loss of face.
Why are so many on JPP fixated on death? Almost every day someone here wishes someone will die?

I don't think it is everyday.

I think, maybe, it started with Grind or Billy. Both Mods. It was actually a slap in the face of the utter hatred the left exhibited.

And it stuck. I don't like it, but they can say what they want within the parameters of the rules.


Grind does it for schlock value, Billy does it because he has an issue with his time. I won't speak further on the matter, because it is just an opinion. And I don't fuck with people who have served. I never have, my brother did, and I help him to this very day.
I cannot speak for women, but in my decades of experience with male banter and ego, there are only three basic reasons a dude would hate you enough to wish for your death. It always comes down to one or more of these categories.

1) Money
2) Women
3) A humiliating loss of face.

You left out the main reason; brain dead leftist hack wasting bandwidth with painfully stupid claims and outright lies. ;)
I cannot speak for women, but in my decades of experience with male banter and ego, there are only three basic reasons a dude would hate you enough to wish for your death. It always comes down to one or more of these categories.

1) Money
2) Women
3) A humiliating loss of face.

You left of: 4) Just to piss someone off. :D
It doesn't piss most normal people off all it does is show the person saying it has psychological issues.

Thank you. Exactly. I've had ppl here tell me to commit suicide, that they hope that I get cancer and die horribly, etc. It doesn't shock or piss me off in the least. It just makes me glad that I didn't just earn those karma points, and that despite my own faults I'm not as ugly inside as they are.
Thank you. Exactly. I've had ppl here tell me to commit suicide, that they hope that I get cancer and die horribly, etc. It doesn't shock or piss me off in the least. It just makes me glad that I didn't just earn those karma points, and that despite my own faults I'm not as ugly inside as they are.

I don't think anyone wishes death to people more than Teflon Don.
I don't think anyone wishes death to people more than Teflon Don.

Thankfully I keep that thing on ignore.

Want to make a wager? What do you want to bet if you or I started a thread hoping that the Toadstool would die soon -- the very same assholes who wish their fellow citizens to die would be OUTRAGED? lol
Thankfully I keep that thing on ignore.

Want to make a wager? What do you want to bet if you or I started a thread hoping that the Toadstool would die soon -- the very same assholes who wish their fellow citizens to die would be OUTRAGED? lol

That's so probable that it's not worth betting on!