To me, people that wish death on others have to be MISERABLE, and probably take NO joy out of life. I say enjoy life to the fullest and do things that you have FUN doing, EVERY day of your life. And laugh each and every day. It makes life so much more bearable. You're welcome.
Thank you. Exactly. I've had ppl here tell me to commit suicide, that they hope that I get cancer and die horribly, etc. It doesn't shock or piss me off in the least. It just makes me glad that I didn't just earn those karma points, and that despite my own faults I'm not as ugly inside as they are.

But you are, Ms. Hypocrite. LOL
If it doesn't piss anyone off, then why is it being referenced; seeing as how no one has dies, after it was said to them??

Only to demonstrate how fucked in the head some people are.

seeing as how no one has dies, after it was said to them

How do you know it hasn't happened. I have seen dorks here wish someone dies and that person quits posting. Did they die or just quit posting?
I have NEVER done it

I don't wish death on anyone

people will die

everyone of us

I don't understand why people on the right here are always wishing death and illness on the left

they do it FAR more than the left does it
Only to demonstrate how fucked in the head some people are.

Do your FEELS extend to the liberal side of the spectrum; when they also demonstrate how fucked in the head they are, by some of the things they say about or to others??

How do you know it hasn't happened. I have seen dorks here wish someone dies and that person quits posting. Did they die or just quit posting?

Since there is no evidence of it occurring, this is just speculation on your part.
I have NEVER done it

I don't wish death on anyone

people will die

everyone of us

I don't understand why people on the right here are always wishing death and illness on the left

they do it FAR more than the left does it

And yet, you have told people that you would kill them. :palm:
The problem is, I'm afraid, is that under competitive capitalism an awful lot of people lose out most of the time, and the system organises their resentment into supporting itself by teaching them to hate anyone who might reform it. Your reactionaries have noting much but hatred and turning their own death-wish on others they see as more human or more 'successful', whatever that means to such not-very-brilliant persons.