Loyal to the end
Sure, Cancel3.
Sure, Cancel3.
Whatsa mattah Tom, upset that I exposed your career lie?
I suggest that you complain to Tom Alexander, the head of Everything Everywhere, his email address is tom.alexander@everythingeverywhere.com.
"Temper tantrums"? :lol: Because I exposed your lie?
Solitary self-pwnage to Cancel3 was your ultimate tantrum.
Winterborn=Solitary, logic proves it, Tophomophone.
Vernier or dial?
I have no reason to out you IRL Tom. Here is good enough.
Actually, I exposed you for a engineer wannabe.All you have done is expose your buffoonery to a wider audience.
Oh really? What's the accuracy of a vernier caliper?
So you don't know the precision of your caliper.