Dec 7th. Pearl Harbor Day. Sadly Overshadowed By Greater Daily Corona Deaths.

To support trump is to tear this nation asunder

Hey you stupid cunt, let me ask you three questions. First, do you know who wrote that sentence above? I copied and pasted it from somewhere.

Second, you really think that's a statement of the unity you cunts will try and bring to America?

Third, how fucking stupid are you exactly?
Hello Cypress,

I would like to visit that one day. The people I've talked to who have been there all say similar things to what you have reflected.

It seems that when people in power get strange ideas which are not fully grounded in reality nor in service nor dedication to the populace they are charged with protecting the result is tragedy.

If it happened today you cunt would blame trump. Save us your feigned concern. Go fuck yourself you maggot.
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Yes, the deaths of the 2403 Americans that died in the attack of Pearl Harbor was a very horrible tragedy. I think we all agree on that!

Yesterday, more Americans died of the Corona Virus, and I do not see any of the Trumptards here today talking about what a tragedy that is.


Because it reminds them of the incompetence of their "Master".
No other American president has sought to separate the American people


Yes, the deaths of the 2403 Americans that died in the attack of Pearl Harbor was a very horrible tragedy. I think we all agree on that!

Yesterday, more Americans died of the Corona Virus, and I do not see any of the Trumptards here today talking about what a tragedy that is.


^^Dumbass still thinks China isn't to blame. :palm:

We owe a large measure of respect and gratitude to those who lost their lives in this horrible tragedy.

Hopefully, tRump will reflect on his "Suckers and loser's comments of the past.