Deception and Kneeling

This lacks full and correct context, so it is an excellent example of the dishonesty and deception that the thread was about. Thank you for illustrating what I described in the opening post.


I predict Evmetro will post some babbling piece of bullshit and when people reply to point that out, he will respond with a juvenile “I told you so!”

Thank you in advance for proving me correct.
Getting a lefty to address the use of the correct context is like trying to shove a cat into a toilet. The unwillingness of lefties to discuss full and correct context shows that the only weapon they have in the discussion of kneelers is an inaccurate and alternative context.


I predict Evmetro will post some babbling piece of bullshit and when people reply to point that out, he will respond with a juvenile “I told you so!”

Thank you in advance for proving me correct.
Getting a lefty to address the use of the correct context is like trying to shove a cat into a toilet. The unwillingness of lefties to discuss full and correct context shows that the only weapon they have in the discussion of kneelers is an inaccurate and alternative context.
Getting a lefty to address the use of the correct context is like trying to shove a cat into a toilet. The unwillingness of lefties to discuss full and correct context shows that the only weapon they have in the discussion of kneelers is an inaccurate and alternative context.


I predict Evmetro will post some babbling piece of bullshit and when people reply to point that out, he will respond with a juvenile “I told you so!”

Thank you in advance for proving me correct.

So far, no lefty has risen to the challenge described in the opening post.

So far you haven't answered the question I asked yesterday, do you agree with trump's quote?

"You have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldn't be playing, you shouldn't be there, maybe you shouldn't be in the country."
Here is a refresher from the opening post:

The correct context for the kneeling thing must include and address the fact that the situation is occurring at the workplace, and that the workers are in fact 100% free to find another place to work. It must also include and address the fact that it is not the government that is imposing the workplace conduct requirements that you are so against. If you must present the situation out of its correct context, then you are relying on deception in order to make your point. It won't work

Aside from the fact that job sources for professional football athletes are extremely limited for the level of talent employed by the NFL you are also disingenuously representing the workplace situation .
No employer, can or does, require jingoistic displays of patriotism with a financial fine for non-compliance IN THE WORK PLACE.
The NFL has no place in doing trying to do so either.
Well then, just have each player burn a flag before the game. That like kneeling is legal and protected. Stopping the protests is defying their constitutional rights. i hope the owners get sued and Trump named in the case.

Nobody is "stopping the protests". The league says they'll fine any franchise whose players fail to stand respectfully during the National Anthem if they are on the field. No player is prevented from protesting, and no player is punished for kneeling.

Protest is only protected by the Constitution if the government is attempting to infringe a citizen's right of free speech/free assembly.
So far you haven't answered the question I asked yesterday, do you agree with trump's quote?

"You have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldn't be playing, you shouldn't be there, maybe you shouldn't be in the country."

Evmetro is an overt racist. Anyone who tells a black American they should leave the country is okay with him.
Evmetro supports Trump largely because they are both racists.
That is really what this thread is about.
You don't get to decide that, Brother.

Absent a specific contractual clause, employers can and do have the right to discipline employees for any breach of policy whatsoever unless prohibited by law.

The employee has the right to pursue legal action if they feel the employer has treated them in a discriminatory manner.

The players also have a collective bargaining clause in their contracts. A change of policy that came about after the contracts were signed by both parties, should be negotiated, not unilaterally dictated.
That clause was sidestepped when the league demanded the patriotism or financial fine ultimatum without consulting all the contracted players.
The players have legal footing to disregard the demand and not be fined.
This ain't over just because the orange clown agrees with the leagues leaders.
No, I don't decide it, brother, the players contract lawyers do.
I understand that does not apply to this rule, my Brother. The policy is reportedly part of the Operations Manual, which is not part of the Collective bargaining Agreement. The union can try to contest it, and probably will. I suspect the NFL has a very competent legal team who helped the league draft and construct the new policy in the least-vulnerable fashion.

We will see.
The old policy in the old operations manual is what contracted players agreed to when they signed.
It will be decided in court. Not here, or at the white house.
I suspect it will end in some level of compromise after a drawn out litigation over at least a year.
Meanwhile players will continue to take the knee.
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I wish I could agree with you, Brother, but I know Christiekins of Pittsburgh far better than you do. Very little is as it seems with her. She's a schemer.

So you say, my brother.
I find that she is just trying to pin down a known racist as to what his motivation for this thread is.
IMHO that is not underhanded in any fashion.
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You don't get to decide that, Brother.

Absent a specific contractual clause, employers can and do have the right to discipline employees for any breach of policy whatsoever unless prohibited by law.

The employee has the right to pursue legal action if they feel the employer has treated them in a discriminatory manner.

She just wants an answer to her question, brother.
No one said anything about allowing opinions.

I hope you guys are typing in a Hulk Hogan voice...