Deceptive God, Incompetent Messiah

Both of you are fools. If either one of you had even attempted to refute what I posted, then I might have a little respect for you. If you and I faced each other, stripped of all but our wits and our tongues, it would not go well for you. Your lies do not alter the truth. That truth is that islam is a violent cult that is trying to make all others submit to them. And they do this with deception and then violence when they are strong enough to do so. You are either credulous fools, or lying through your teeth while supporting the enemies of all civilized people.

you are doing just what you claim Muslims do asshole
I have no problem at all with you honoring her........just don't pretend you aren't worshiping her......

Nope. If you think Catholics worship Mary then you're being willfully ignorant. Just stop it already. You're being dishonest in your characterization of Catholic belief.

"Catholics believe that worship is due to God alone. Catholics do, however, venerate Mary. In other words, we honor our Blessed Mother with great reverence and devotion because she is the Mother of God. Mary is the model of perfect love and obedience to Christ."
There is only one requirement for Salvation. Faith in Christ.

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. BTW, Do you believe that silly nonsense that it is the actual flesh and blood of Christ? That is not Biblical. It is a Pagan superstition, introduced by the Catholic Church.

Salvation is by faith alone. It cannot be earned. Good works will not save you. Only faith in Christ can do that.

So, you don't believe what the Bible says? The Gospel account is clear, "you will not have life within you." Meanwhile, protestant sermons claim "salvation by faith alone." How much faith can a man truly have if he ignores the Gospel accounts?
this man is a sociopath

he feels nothing but the feelings for himself

religions saved him because his brain is wired a certain way.

studies in brain wiring show that certain human brains are wired to believe in a higher being ( they will adopt the teachings that are in their society which fill this need)

is there anything wrong with that?

absolutely not

religion does alot of people a lot of good.

It soothes their minds and gives them direction

Not a thing wrong with that

for you and this man to insist that I ,whos brain is not wired to believe in a higher being, described by your religion and HOW YOU THEN INTERPRET THAT INFORMATION are somehow this sociopaths lessor is EVIL

I as atheist can accept your interpitation of how you are able to make sense of existence and merely say "good for you if it keeps you from harming others" and yet you need t SHAME ME AND MY BELIEFS just to retain your own believes is not very decent huh.


yet to you I am inferior for not sharing your belief

I believe in reality

I believe what can be proven through actual proof

there is no proof of gods or monsters

its called faith

you believe in god based on faith

you believe that faith comes from god

that's fine

its brain wiring.

this man is not an example of the horrors you pretend are part of atheism

this man is an example of how much harm can from not treating children properly.

the distruction is multiplied when that child has the brain wiring of a sociopath.

Its not their fault

they are no more at fault than a diabetic child is at fault.

children must be treated with decency and care

most people are mostly good

some people are like saints

and some people are complete rat bastards

why is that?

human interaction and brain wiring.

4 in 100 people are sociopaths

3 will be men

1 will be a woman

no matter what religion they profess.

organized religion creates the perfect scaffolding for a sociopath to claim to power

their religious doctrine is all written out for them so they KNOW how to fake caring about others.

when you are an atheist there is no created doctrine that exsits for you to get your cues from to fake caring.

but fortunately humans care

we have been designed by our own ability to proliferate the planet by being caring beings.

humans exists and proliferated because we LOVE and will take in our arms the weak and needy and sacrafice our own comfort and even at times lives to protect and feed and nurture the weak amoung us.

just saying these words makes by body tingle

in your brain wiring you need to explain that with a god.

that is fine

all power to you if it makes you MORE HUMAN

it works for you.


I see the world differently

I see no need for this god you need to make sense of the world

I see humans and feel love for them

I sense their goodness and kindness and willingness to sacrifice and feel whole with the world.

I wish you could feel the utter beauty that .

Your brain wiring doesn't make it possible I guess.

that's fine

but don't degrade the beauty of my beliefs to hold your own on high and shame me.

I am as wonderful and awesome as you believe you are.

that guy in your video ?

I hope he stays on the straight and narrow and never hurts people again.

I will never trust him

he could merely be faking it to gain power over others

its his self admitted life pattern.

he was born a sociopath and hasn't really changed

he acts better hopefully

But I was born with a caring heart

I have always cared for others at my own self detriment.

I don't expect it to pay off in this life or anything that may be after this life.

No one is going to reward me for being this way.

My heart repays me

I do it because I cant do otherwise and live in my own skin.

No god needed for me in that equation

I am in fact just one of the mostly good people who walk this earth.

I dream of being saint like but know it will never be.

and let me clarify

I don't believe in saints but I do believe in people so GOOD that they can move the souls of other humans to be the best human they can muster by whatever beliefs they may conjour in their minds.

I do feel pride that I am one of the people who sees the goodness in mankind and why are brains are wired to help.

we are wonderful beings and need to nurture and help each other even if are brains are wired differently and view a path to goodness in differing ways

wont you join me?

post 280 in response to the video you asked us all to watch

I watched all 34 minutes and responded and have been BEGGING you to answer me

you instead lied about me

and called me a name and shamed my beliefs
So, you don't believe what the Bible says? The Gospel account is clear, "you will not have life within you." Meanwhile, protestant sermons claim "salvation by faith alone." How much faith can a man truly have if he ignores the Gospel accounts?

Acts 16:31 They said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household."
Any questions?