Deceptive God, Incompetent Messiah

Anyway, I'll never be able to take any of the thousands of so-called churches seriously which are removed from Christ and the apostles by 1500+ years. Only one Church and one authority was established in the Bible.

don't be silly......I haven't even been removed from Christ since Sunday.........there IS only one Church and it isn't the RCC.......its the Church......
What would you know about salvation? The Savior says that if you do not eat of His flesh and drink of His blood, you will not have life within you—and you just ignore His words as paganism. How can you have grace or faith if you ignore your God?

/shrugs.....we had Communion last Sunday.......
It is built on the authority of Peter and the apostles. Which Christians adhere to the authority of the apostles today?

I am an elder in my church........I am sworn by my oath of office to adhere to the authority of the apostles......none if them were members of the Roman Catholic Church.......
????.....believing in the holy catholic church does not refer to the refers to the body of Christ, which the RCC is a part of, as is my certainly doesn't mean I have to worship Mary.....the Apostles made other mistakes I am not required to repeat.......

It doesn't require anyone to worship Mary. It doesn't even require you to lie about it. But the Church was built upon the authority of the apostles, and not upon the likes of Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Tudor, and Servetus.
I am an elder in my church........I am sworn by my oath of office to adhere to the authority of the apostles......none if them were members of the Roman Catholic Church.......

Except for where all of them were. And from Stephen and Paul on down to the present, their offices continue to be passed down.
It doesn't require anyone to worship Mary. It doesn't even require you to lie about it. But the Church was built upon the authority of the apostles, and not upon the likes of Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Tudor, and Servetus.
none the apostles lived beyond 100 AD.......
saying it is wrong to worship her or even just pray to her is not disrespecting her......

This below is not respectful. I would say there's something uniquely special about a person who was chosen to bear the son of God. Again, Catholics don't worship anyone but God and all your wrongful comments don't change that fact.

"There is nothing special about Mary. She was a sinner, just like everyone else. God found favor with her, but she was still a sinner. She was not given any powers after her death. She is not a mediator between us and God. Jesus is our mediator and our High Priest. It is to Him you should pray. Not Mary."
I am an elder in my church........I am sworn by my oath of office to adhere to the authority of the apostles......none if them were members of the Roman Catholic Church.......

I don't know when you think the Catholic church originated but our beliefs state that it was founded by Jesus. You can't say that about any Protestant denomination. They were all founded by men.
A list of false teachings in the Roman Catholic Church. These are taken directly from the Catholic Catechisms.

As you can see, Everything I've said is the truth.

All you've done is found a site that supports your beliefs. That doesn't mean your beliefs are the truth. You guys rely on anti-Muslim sites and anti-Catholic sites for your information, how is that honest?