God created a new covenant through the physical life of Jesus. "Borrowed" is an entirely inappropriate term.
God or Saul?
God created a new covenant through the physical life of Jesus. "Borrowed" is an entirely inappropriate term.
in other words, the papacy is usurpation. not putting words in your mouth. that is what I deduce.
What denomination is that?
It most certainly did.. and Judaism borrowed from Sumer, Egypt, the Ugarit and Assyria.
Jesus was a Jew.. He lived and taught and worshipped as a Jew.. You don't know much about religion, do you? Where do you think the OT stories came from?
Jesus was the Messiah promised in the OT......it didn't "borrow" from Judaism......it fulfilled it......
The messiah promised in the OT was a warrior king like David.
It didn't "borrow" from Judaism.
the disciples made that same mistake at first......
Bullshit. I stated "Islam is the world's biggest lie." You brought up some Catholic document that does not condemn Muslims. I'm talking about a religion, that Catholic document discusses individuals. Surely you can't be this dim.
It certainly did.
Jewish Christians, also Hebrew Christians or Judeo-Christians, were the original members of the Jewish movement that later became Christianity.[SUP][1][/SUP] In the earliest stage the community was made up of all those Jews who accepted Jesus as a venerable person or the Messiah (Christ). As Christianity grew and developed, Jewish Christians became only one strand of the early Christian community, characterised by combining the confession of Jesus as Christ with continued adherence to Jewish traditions such as Sabbath observance, observance of the Jewish calendar, observance of Jewish laws and customs, circumcision, and synagogue attendance, and by a direct genetic relationship to the earliest Jewish Christians.[SUP][1][/SUP]
God created a new covenant through the physical life of Jesus. "Borrowed" is an entirely inappropriate term.
Jesus was the Messiah promised in the OT......it didn't "borrow" from Judaism......it fulfilled it......
Are you really this thick or are you arguing just to see your words in print? Show me an official Catholic statement condemning Islam. Just one.
Paul VI, Ecclesiam Suam 107, August 6, 1964
“Then [we refer] to the adorers of God according to the conception of monotheism, the Muslim religion especially, deserving of our admiration for all that is true and good in their worship of God.”
John Paul II, address to representatives of Muslims of the Philippines, February 20, 1981
“Dear Muslims, my brothers: I would like to add that we Christians, just like you, seek the basis and model of mercy in God himself, the God to whom your Book gives the very beautiful name of al-Rahman, while the Bible calls him al-Rahum, the Merciful One.”
More here
Show me where the Bible instructs Christians to kill non-Christians.
You seem to think that my opinions are based solely on the post Vatican II doctrine of the church. Surely you can't be that dim?
Moving the goalposts? Unsurprising.
Surely you can come up with an official quote from the Catholic church condemning the religion of Islam. Can't you?
Murder of non-believers as required by Islam is the argument that I made at the outset in this thread. It is you who has attempted to move the goalposts.
This was your first comment in the thread: Islam is the world's biggest lie.
Then you failed to back it up.