Deceptive God, Incompetent Messiah

According to Pew Research, there are ~1.8 billion Muslims in the world, or roughly 24% of total population. Now if even a tenth of them were as heinous as Gargoyle claims, wouldn't the planet be a smoking ruin by now?

He reminds me a lot of certain fundie religionists of a different cult -- Christianity. Many of them do not let their kids attend secular public schools, play with kids not of their faith, associate with anyone outside of their own tiny church community, read books not approved by the church or parents, or watch TV/movies. They fear contagion. The contagion is called knowledge. When you get to know ppl not of your same flavor, you find out something insane. They're basically just like you, no better, no worse.


So ISIS is not a part of Islam? You are okay with how Islam treats women?
That's not what the Catholic Church thinks.

He was not a Christian. Christians are defined by their actions. When Jesus' disciples asked him how to identify Christians, Jesus answered...You will know them by their love. You cannot murder someone if you love them. Jesus also said that murderers will not go to Heaven. Case closed.
He was not a Christian. Christians are defined by their actions. When Jesus' disciples asked him how to identify Christians, Jesus answered...You will know them by their love. You cannot murder someone if you love them. Jesus also said that murderers will not go to Heaven. Case closed.

If that's the way you want to look at it, then you're not a Christian. Real Christians wouldn't talk about Muslims the way you do. Especially your thread about "there is only one cure." Show me where Jesus said non-believers should be killed.
If that's the way you want to look at it, then you're not a Christian. Real Christians wouldn't talk about Muslims the way you do. Especially your thread about "there is only one cure." Show me where Jesus said non-believers should be killed.

Jesus also said that those who repent and follow Him shall be with Him in Paradise. If Grugore makes it there, he's gonna be real surprised at who he's sharing a cloud with.
Jesus also said that those who repent and follow Him shall be with Him in Paradise. If Grugore makes it there, he's gonna be real surprised at who he's sharing a cloud with.

I'll also probably also be surprised at those who didn't make it. Unfortunately.
If that's the way you want to look at it, then you're not a Christian. Real Christians wouldn't talk about Muslims the way you do. Especially your thread about "there is only one cure." Show me where Jesus said non-believers should be killed.

Islam demands my submission or my death. I really don't think God would have a problem with me defending myself. After all, He ordered the Jews to exterminate everyone in a few cities. The simple fact is that it's us or them. There is no middle ground. We kill them, or they kill us. It's really that simple.
Islam demands my submission or my death. I really don't think God would have a problem with me defending myself. After all, He ordered the Jews to exterminate everyone in a few cities. The simple fact is that it's us or them. There is no middle ground. We kill them, or they kill us. It's really that simple.

Only for those simple-minded sorts unable to see and understand nuance. And reality.

The history of Christianity is a long and bloody one, filled with genocide, torture, rape, hideous executions of innocents including children, subjugation, war, and death. All these things were done "in the name of the Lord" and "for the glory of Christ." In this country alone tens of thousands were brutalized -- and murdered -- for refusing to bow to the priests' demands to convert. Do you know what the Ojibwe word for "priest" (makadewikonaye) translates to? Black-robed kidnapper.

Yet millions of Christians are peaceful caring people. Guess what? Same is true of Muslims.
Only for those simple-minded sorts unable to see and understand nuance. And reality.

The history of Christianity is a long and bloody one, filled with genocide, torture, rape, hideous executions of innocents including children, subjugation, war, and death. All these things were done "in the name of the Lord" and "for the glory of Christ." In this country alone tens of thousands were brutalized -- and murdered -- for refusing to bow to the priests' demands to convert. Do you know what the Ojibwe word for "priest" (makadewikonaye) translates to? Black-robed kidnapper.

Yet millions of Christians are peaceful caring people. Guess what? Same is true of Muslims.

Once again, the acts you mentioned were not committed by Christians. It's impossible. Anyone who would do such things does not know God.
Not a day goes by when we don't hear about Americans (Christians, Jews, etc.) committing some atrocity but people like you ignore that.

I know, right?.....all those beheadings and burnings in Seattle......and that suicide bomber who took out that school bus in Massachusetts...horrible stuff.....