Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
A load of dead British soldiers say "Thanks".
4000+ dead American soldiers say "You're Welcome."
You're also welcome for the Falklands...
A load of dead British soldiers say "Thanks".
4000+ dead American soldiers say "You're Welcome."
You're also welcome for the Falklands...
Actually, Europe and Asia both have a HUGE interest in Mideast stability. You see, we import 70% of our oil from Canada and an additional 20-25% from Venezuela. It is just the richest and finest grade of oil that is left over which comes from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc. However, we are indirectly reliant on Mideast stability/oil, because the world market is tied to it, and it would collapse our distributers if it fell apart.
But Europe sucks. You know that they did nothing in response to the Balkans during the 90s, and so you can expect them to be just as worthless in containing the Mideast and protecting countries such as Kuwait, and stabilizing other such as Syria and Saudi Arabia, and so forth... Which pisses me off, and adds to the reasons why I hate Europe.
The Euros have decimated their own standing military due to social spending and have long depended on the US to police the world. The added benefit for them is that they also get to point their hypocritical finger and accuse us of hegemony and being arrogant. Yet, with all the belly-aching, they do not want this arrangement to change.
They aren't stupid. If someone else is willing to open their umbrella most European nations will actively choose not to spend on their military. If they were forced to they would.
America selectively "polices" the world entirely for its own benefit.
A load of dead British soldiers say "Thanks".
Yes, they are not stupid, just arrogant hypocrites. America "polices" the world for the benefit of global economic stability, they do so at the mutual behest of all those economically concerned as much as for's called keeping the machine going.
well, if you'd drop France from your precious EU, your death toll might be less.
We could, but then our kill ratio would be lower and we'd get less bonuses.Maybe you could tell some of your short-sighted pilots what a British soldier looks like and our death toll would be even lower. Much obliged.
Maybe you could tell some of your short-sighted pilots what a British soldier looks like and our death toll would be even lower. Much obliged.
Doesn't really matter what the rest of the world wants though, eh?
They aren't stupid. If someone else is willing to open their umbrella most European nations will actively choose not to spend on their military. If they were forced to they would.
America selectively "polices" the world entirely for its own benefit.
That's a cop out response. The EU, as you admitted to earlier, gets exactly what they want and give as little as they can get away with. The only difference between Obama and Bush as far as the Eu is concerened is that Obama won't bare their asses for all to see what hypocrites they are because he wants to be liked by the scoundrels. Bush didn't care about his popularity, and so was willing to hang the EU's asses out for all to see what selfish, self interested hypocrites they were/are.
The irony is, my good fellow, that the US exists today because we refused to contribute money to your army to protect our colonial borders! This must be you chaps turning the tables right around on us!
That said, you Brits do keep a much better military than those cheap bastards on the Continent.
I won't disagree that the Europens have had a good deal from America in the post war era although when the big bad USSR was around, i don't imagine you'd disagree, the arrangement was based on mutual interest. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union every attempt by the EU to establish any type of coordinated armed forces has been both opposed by the US and made impossible by the refusal of the UK to jeopardise our illusory "special relationship". The EU nations are incredibly anti-American at times (sometimes justifiably so, sometimes for purely political motives) and i wouldn't necessarily disagree with a charge of arrogance or hypocrisy.
However, the US is fine with European forces under the NATO umbrella (and under US command) but an independent EU force is viewed as a potential threat to US dominance. The UK has always been encouraged to stay close to Washington rather than Paris. I'd welcome a closer integration of European forces and a break with the US. It won't happen, of course, because the US doesn't want it to happen and the Europeans are reasonably happy with the status quo.
The thing about policing the world is that the citizens of the world don't like policemen. Britain has been there and done it. People still don't like Britain in much of the world and they've got reasonable cause. Policing tends to work best when it's done with the consent of those being policed. Europe consents, mainly because through NATO it has been made a special constable and that makes them feel powerful and influential, but most of the rest of the world can't stand it because they look at the neighbourhood policeman and all they see is a bent copper taking bribes and beating the shit out of them in the cells. There's plenty arrogance and hypocrisy to go round.
I'll have to hold this quote for when there is one of those "cuts" by Rs in the future that we hear about where there is a budgeted increase but it counts as a "cut" by Ds because it wasn't the amount that it normally would increase by....I don't understand how a budget increase is a deep cut, but that's just me.
You appear to be wanting it both ways. First you acknowledge that the EU has allowed the US to be the military might in the world so that they can spend their dollars on their over extended social programs. Now you want to say that they, the EU, don't grow their militaries because the US prevents them? Pure hogwash!
Policing the globe is exactly what the US is encouraged to do, albeit not publically by the rest of the world. This said, there certainly is a kind of policing that the EU elite do not want policed i.e., Bush and Blair's courage in exposing the FFO scandal for instance. As to being the power to spend billions per annum, however, keeping thuggary and arms trading under control, the EU is perfectly happy to allow the US the lions share of the burden, both financially and physically. Too, there is the oft overlooked useage of our military by Europe namely; we are used by nations around the globe to make certain that traded and donated goods arrive at their intended destinations, especially on the African continent. This last little expenditure is added to our military budget and is disallowed by the UN to be counted towards foreign aid. If this expenditure were added into a recognized budget of US foreign aid by the UN it would put the rest of the world to shame.