Deep-Pocket Clinton Donors Return to the Fore

New flash...elections cost money. She'll use a lot of that money for down ballet Dems.

You know...the politicians that actually (supposedly) get things done.

Unlike any POTUS
Unlike Trump, who isn't helping his down ballots folks!
How much will she use on down ballot Dems?
how much of Big Donor money? how can it be told this far out?
Those figures aren't even able to be found since rich donors can give to her campaign, her super_pac , or directly to down ticket campaigns,
or the DNC -- all the same donor money.
Washington Post investigation reveals how Bill and Hillary Clinton have methodically cultivated donors over 40 years, from Little Rock to Washington and then across the globe. Their fundraising methods have created a new blueprint for politicians and their donors.

Over four decades of public life, Bill and Hillary Clinton have built an unrivaled global network of donors while pioneering fundraising techniques that have transformed modern politics and paved the way for them to potentially become the first husband and wife to win the White House.

The grand total raised for all of their political campaigns and their family’s charitable foundation reaches at least $3 billion, according to a Washington Post investigation.

Separately, donors have given $1 billion to support the Clintons’ political races and legal defense fund, making capped contributions to their campaigns and writing six-figure checks to the Democratic National Committee and allied super PACs.

The Post investigation found that many top Clinton patrons supported them in multiple ways, helping finance their political causes, their legal needs, their philanthropy and their personal bank accounts. In some cases, companies connected to their donors hired the Clintons as paid speakers, helping them collect more than $150 million on the lecture circuit in the past 15 years.

The Clintons kept big contributors in their orbit for decades by methodically wooing competing interest groups — toggling between their liberal base and powerful constituencies, according

They made historic inroads on Wall Street, pulling in at least $69 million in political contributions from the employees and PACs of banks, insurance companies, and securities and investment firms. Wealthy hedge fund managers S. Donald Sussman and David E. Shaw are among their top campaign supporters, having given more than $1 million each.

Most of all, the Clintons have excelled at leveraging access to their power and celebrity. Following the advice of a young Democratic Party finance chair named Terry McAuliffe, who is now governor of Virginia, the Clintons stepped up private meetings with major donors.

Among the perks that President Clinton ultimately offered were overnights in the Lincoln Bedroom. After leaving office, Bill Clinton headlined high-wattage gatherings for foundation donors around the globe. And supporters this year are jockeying to host intimate receptions at their homes during which they get a chance to mingle with Hillary Clinton.

The Clintons’ steady cultivation of financial benefactors — many of whom had interests before the government — has led to charges of conflicts of interest and impropriety........
funny how Bernie could rake in millions with $27 donations..she'll use a hell of a lot more on herself then down ballot.

How much will she use on down ballot Dems?

how much of Big Donor money? how can it be told this far out?
I see. Now, if your article holds any merit, why didn't the Clinton's fundraising bother you when you were an ardent supporter in '08?
I see. Now, if your article holds any merit, why didn't the Clinton's fundraising bother you when you were an ardent supporter in '08?
the article is well researched -it's WaPo -generally a shill for Hill but occasionally able to turn out some real journalism.

We live and learn do we not? and that was before the Clinton Foundation , her secret Wall St speeches..
really the entire depth of their depravity when it comes to fundraising:
The Post investigation found that many top Clinton patrons supported them in multiple ways, helping finance their political causes, their legal needs, their philanthropy and their personal bank accounts. In some cases, companies connected to their donors hired the Clintons as paid speakers, helping them collect more than $150 million on the lecture circuit in the past 15 years.
You add that up in tandem with her multiple failures as Sec of State, and it would be incredulous of me to support her in '16
funny how Bernie could rake in millions with $27 donations..she'll use a hell of a lot more on herself then down ballot.
Then after she's ensconced with the power of the incumbency, she'll make noises about Citizen's United.

The Clinton's are the oligarchs, and now those pesky Sanders little people with their principles of small donor gov't can go to hell.
We got big business to attend to.

She doesn't wanna trouble the little ppl...:rolleyes:

Once she gets her crown I guess we will see what she can do w/ all that money... Thus far dirty don got nominated & spent pennies.....

He tweets & the media sees dollar $igns..

He beat all those political pros handily, & every time he insults the media/reporters etc he goes up in the polls, it really is sad & unbelievable..
He beat all those political pros handily, & every time he insults the media/reporters etc he goes up in the polls, it really is sad & unbelievable..

its almost as if voters LIKE it when he insults the media.....say, do you possibly think they don't like the media?......
She doesn't wanna trouble the little ppl...:rolleyes:

Once she gets her crown I guess we will see what she can do w/ all that money... Thus far dirty don got nominated & spent pennies.....

He tweets & the media sees dollar $igns..

He beat all those political pros handily, & every time he insults the media/reporters etc he goes up in the polls, it really is sad & unbelievable..
Trump is an exercise in loathing the media and the establishment. He's no Bernie for sure, but I do like that much about him
Trump is an exercise in loathing the media and the establishment. He's no Bernie for sure, but I do like that much about him

No, he is no Bernie, but oddly enough, he & Bernie do share some ideas on who shouldn't be running the country..
"Would the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands. And the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry." ( John Lennon)
the article is well researched -it's WaPo -generally a shill for Hill but occasionally able to turn out some real journalism.

We live and learn do we not? and that was before the Clinton Foundation , her secret Wall St speeches..
really the entire depth of their depravity when it comes to fundraising:

You add that up in tandem with her multiple failures as Sec of State, and it would be incredulous of me to support her in '16

I'm not expecting you to support her. I just wanted to know why the fundraising bothers you, when it's been a necessity in politics for most of our lives.
I thought it was amusing that Hillary threatened Wall Street last night.....I imagine McAuliffe was busy all day warning "you may not like what you hear, but don't pay attention to any of's never going to happen"..........
I'm not expecting you to support her. I just wanted to know why the fundraising bothers you, when it's been a necessity in politics for most of our lives.
it's her rapaciousness. I mean just look thru that and they are the ultimate plutocrats.
I'm probably more sensitized to it now also -after all the focus by Bernie. The secret Wall st.speeches -using the Clinton Foundation for "pay to play
(even if not a provable quid pro quo), milking donors over years for max payouts. It's creepy.
...aaand..Bernie showed all this isn't necessary if you speak to the people's concerns.
$27 donors is a political coup