Deepstate, top dems in kahoots with china


Well-known member
This was a terrorist attack on our country. Who benefits from this? Dems do, as they THINK this will get Biden in and Trump out, China does as they would LOVE to see another Democrat in office so they can continue raping us like they have since that fuckhead Bill Clinton and his fatass skank of a dike old lady sold off our country to the Chinese and gave rise to China the Superpower, the deepstate would as many have been driven from office, forced to retire early, or outright fired. The rest of the dirty ones are forced to lay low lest they be driven out as well. Dont ask me how I know,.....I just DO and will be proven correct in due time. Believe you me,....when this shitshow finally ends, and it WILL end thank God, there will be investigations that are going to make Muellers silly little Russia probe seem like a walk in the park.

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Oh, and btw,....before any of you fucktards in here claim this is pure fantasy it would do you well to remember that YOU ARE THE VERY SAME PEOPLE who claimed for over three years that Trump and the Republicans colluded with Russia. So blow me. Yeah,..... its perfectly reasonable to believe that one party colluded with a foreign power but JUST IMPOSSIBLE to even come close to even considering that the other party could collude with a different power right? LMAO!!!
About all anyone needs to know from that inanity, "Don't ask me how I know,.....I just DO"


You sure seemed to KNOW that Trump and the Republicans colluded with Russia. And what the fuck is INANITY exactly? Must be a new libtard word...:laugh:
Believe me, dont believe me, doesnt matter or change a thing. All i KNOW is this will be the biggest investigation in our history. As well it should.
Well, probably not.

WHY is that exactly? So for three years straight the left can all sing in unison that they just KNOW that Trump and the Republicans colluded with a foreign power but the very Idea that the Democrats could is impossible??? WTF!? Talk about being a total FOOL.
WHY is that exactly? So for three years straight the left can all sing in unison that they just KNOW that Trump and the Republicans colluded with a foreign power but the very Idea that the Democrats could is impossible??? WTF!? Talk about being a total FOOL.

I said "probably." Just spitballin'.
Nawwww, Democrats would NEVER collude with a foreign Communist power :rolleyes: Hey wait, wasnt that Hanoi Jane I just saw brushing her ass up against an NVA artillery piece??? LOL Nasty bitch should have been lined up against a wall and shot for treason for giving aid and comfort to the enemy while her fellow Americans were dying in combat.
Believe me, dont believe me, doesnt matter or change a thing. All i KNOW is this will be the biggest investigation in our history. As well it should.

You know what the biggest investigation running up to 9/11 was? There was a 12 year old girl who called herself "Elf", and she wrote "ELF OWNS" her local school on her school using spray paint. Ashcroft poured resources into the crime thinking it was finally proof of "Eco-terrorists". Saddest thing I have ever heard of.

What you need is some EVIDENCE to start the investigation. And even more importantly, you need to get it SOON. The biggest investigation in our history would take a lot of time, and needs to get started QUICKLY. You have lost 3 years, and before that 30 years, because you cannot find any evidence.