Deepstate, top dems in kahoots with china

This was a terrorist attack on our country. Who benefits from this? Dems do, as they THINK this will get Biden in and Trump out, China does as they would LOVE to see another Democrat in office so they can continue raping us like they have since that fuckhead Bill Clinton and his fatass skank of a dike old lady sold off our country to the Chinese and gave rise to China the Superpower, the deepstate would as many have been driven from office, forced to retire early, or outright fired. The rest of the dirty ones are forced to lay low lest they be driven out as well. Dont ask me how I know,.....I just DO and will be proven correct in due time. Believe you me,....when this shitshow finally ends, and it WILL end thank God, there will be investigations that are going to make Muellers silly little Russia probe seem like a walk in the park.

Well I think that is certainly partly right.. It most certainly did not begin w/ clinton, but it sure as hell took off when he was elected & so did walmart aka made in America walmat-straight up lie...

Just a coincidence they were both from a shit hole like arkansas I guess....:whome:

BOTH PARTIES ARE IN ON THIS~BOTH.. & the reason is simple, they both are beholding to the same ppl........

Not a huge fan of steve Bannon but He was right about one thing, like the quote "Corporate America today is the lobbying arm of the Chinese Communist Party and Wall Street is the investor relations department," Steve Bannon
This was a terrorist attack on our country. Who benefits from this? Dems do, as they THINK this will get Biden in and Trump out, China does as they would LOVE to see another Democrat in office so they can continue raping us like they have since that fuckhead Bill Clinton and his fatass skank of a dike old lady sold off our country to the Chinese and gave rise to China the Superpower, the deepstate would as many have been driven from office, forced to retire early, or outright fired. The rest of the dirty ones are forced to lay low lest they be driven out as well. Dont ask me how I know,.....I just DO and will be proven correct in due time. Believe you me,....when this shitshow finally ends, and it WILL end thank God, there will be investigations that are going to make Muellers silly little Russia probe seem like a walk in the park.

The Deep State conspiracy theories don't make any sense. Trump has made the 1% even richer. Why would they hate him or want him gone?

And it wasn't just Democrats that made China richer, it was pretty much every president going back at least a hundred years. In fact, outsourcing has increased under Trump. Why would China want to get rid of Trump if he's giving them more business?
You sure seemed to KNOW that Trump and the Republicans colluded with Russia. And what the fuck is INANITY exactly? Must be a new libtard word...:laugh:

The difference is that we have evidence Trump colluded with Russia and there is a clear reason why he did so.
Update: according to the eyewitness of my own eyes; Trump and 5G, Trump and global pandemic economic shutdown and inevitable re ordering of Earth's financial systems to cashless societies and "marks" received by the damned, the deepstate thriving without any hope of the evil deepstate being lawfully ended. Conclusion: Trump is same as barack and all other world "leaders" which shall be interred in the hell of flame. I am tossing all Trump paraphernalia and tearing off my Trump bumper sticker, and withdrawing all support as of sunrise today. I enjoyed the Trump reprieve while it lasted; I am declaring the Trump reprieve ended and tribulation beginning (if 10,000 deepstate vermin are executed i will repent). It is good , and everything is right on schedule... Even So, Come, Lord Jesus...
You know what the biggest investigation running up to 9/11 was? There was a 12 year old girl who called herself "Elf", and she wrote "ELF OWNS" her local school on her school using spray paint. Ashcroft poured resources into the crime thinking it was finally proof of "Eco-terrorists". Saddest thing I have ever heard of.

What you need is some EVIDENCE to start the investigation. And even more importantly, you need to get it SOON. The biggest investigation in our history would take a lot of time, and needs to get started QUICKLY. You have lost 3 years, and before that 30 years, because you cannot find any evidence.

An "investigation" is used to uncover evidence, Walt. If you already have "evidence," what need is there for an investigation?

Walt, once again, you are over your head in this debate.
Update: according to the eyewitness of my own eyes; Trump and 5G, Trump and global pandemic economic shutdown and inevitable re ordering of Earth's financial systems to cashless societies and "marks" received by the damned, the deepstate thriving without any hope of the evil deepstate being lawfully ended. Conclusion: Trump is same as barack and all other world "leaders" which shall be interred in the hell of flame. I am tossing all Trump paraphernalia and tearing off my Trump bumper sticker, and withdrawing all support as of sunrise today. I enjoyed the Trump reprieve while it lasted; I am declaring the Trump reprieve ended and tribulation beginning (if 10,000 deepstate vermin are executed i will repent). It is good , and everything is right on schedule... Even So, Come, Lord Jesus...

So you'll be voting for Biden?
Nawwww, Democrats would NEVER collude with a foreign Communist power :rolleyes: Hey wait, wasnt that Hanoi Jane I just saw brushing her ass up against an NVA artillery piece??? LOL Nasty bitch should have been lined up against a wall and shot for treason for giving aid and comfort to the enemy while her fellow Americans were dying in combat.

To tell you the truth, it's basically just the Globalist Democrat elite pushing such.
The Deep State conspiracy theories don't make any sense. Trump has made the 1% even richer. Why would they hate him or want him gone?

And it wasn't just Democrats that made China richer, it was pretty much every president going back at least a hundred years. In fact, outsourcing has increased under Trump. Why would China want to get rid of Trump if he's giving them more business?

Republican Nixon opened up Free Trade with China.

Why do Repubs fck up so much, and then ONLY blame Democrats?

Same with Republican Reagan's Amnesty.

Same with Republican Heritage Foundation's Obamacare first implemented by Republican Romney.

Same with Republican Warren Burger implementing Roe V Wade.
Prove it.

I'll understand if you can't, of course.


I'd need about a day and a half to pull all the ties together, there are so many of them. We could start with all the trump products made in China, all the Chinese trademarks awarded to the trumps, Nicole Kushner Meyer courting Chinese investors for a NJ housing development, etc.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, etc." perfectly characterizes the trump family. :D
I'd need about a day and a half to pull all the ties together, there are so many of them.

You don't have anything else to do.

Get busy.

In case your libnesia kicks in, here's your claim:

The trump family of grifters is far more tied to China than Biden or anyone else.

You have 36 hours.


OH NO, I'm on the clock! Pardon me in advance if I go rogue and don't rush to do your bidding.

I know trolls don't like hearing this, but if you make the claim, it's up to you to prove it.

I gave you the extra time you said you'd need.

I'd need about a day and a half to pull all the ties together, there are so many of them.

Are you admitting that you are unable to prove your claim?

Here it is again:

The trump family of grifters is far more tied to China than Biden or anyone else.

Answer, Christiecrite. :whip:
Republican Nixon opened up Free Trade with China.

Why do Repubs fck up so much, and then ONLY blame Democrats?

Same with Republican Reagan's Amnesty.

Same with Republican Heritage Foundation's Obamacare first implemented by Republican Romney.

Same with Republican Warren Burger implementing Roe V Wade.

And these Republicans who bitch about China also bitch about "Socialism."
Companies outsource to China because it's cheaper, and since these companies are funding both Republicans and Democrats, neither party is stopping outsourcing. This is Capitalism in its purest form. The 1% gets richer, uses their wealth to control public policy, and the only losers are the working-class Americans.
And these Republicans who bitch about China also bitch about "Socialism."
Companies outsource to China because it's cheaper, and since these companies are funding both Republicans and Democrats, neither party is stopping outsourcing. This is Capitalism in its purest form. The 1% gets richer, uses their wealth to control public policy, and the only losers are the working-class Americans.

Absolutely, and Trump's tariffs have hurt farmers more than they have helped American workers get back manufacturing jobs.

A lot of these manufacturing jobs are being automated, anyways.

As far as I'm concerned, Capitalism is killing it's self, by it's own greed.