And that's enough derailment of this thread. Let's go back to the deranged moron in the WH. Another essay on the utter lack of Toadstool empathy:
"On the final night of the Democratic National Convention, we watched Khizr Khan speak of his son’s death, a hero’s death, in service to his country. The emotional journey Khizr took us on was profound, and raw. He spoke as a man dealing with palpable grief, but with pride and dignity and love. By his side his wife, Ghalaza Khan, stood silent. Her face was difficult to fathom, because even in its stillness it spoke volumes of hurt, desperation, and the weight of losing a child.
Whether or not you think American soldiers should have been in Iraq, you listen to a grieving parent. Whether or not you think Muslims are capable of being patriotic America citizens, you listen to a grieving parent. Whether or not you have ever lost anything, ever sacrificed anything, ever experienced an all encompassing grief, you listen.
Donald Trump couldn’t do even that. He couldn’t be the least important person in the room. He couldn’t empathize with another human being.
If he had only been a manipulative jerk, he might have said, “Mr. Khan is very upset, and I take his accusations as the emotional outburst of a grieving parent.” A response like that would have proved that he was a terrible person, but still, a person. Instead, Donald Trump proved he isn’t a person at all. He proved he lacked a single shred of humanity with his seamless shift from self praise to racist sniping at a grieving mother.
“I’d like to hear his wife say something.” That’s what Trump added to the conversation."
"With a single breath, Donald Trump equated losing a son with spending long nights at the office for monetary reward.
With a single breath, Donald Trump proved he is not worth the dust on the boots of soldiers like Captain Humayan Khan.
With a single breath, Donald Trump proved that oxygen is wasted by allowing him to speak his foulness into the ears of parents like Ghazala and Khizr Khan.
With a single breath, Donald Trump proved he is unfit for any office, for any position in human society, let alone the most powerful office in the world.
And while he shouts his filth into the world, we must turn our backs and shut our ears to him. We must stand with families like the Khans, to hurt with them, to sit with them through their grief, to bring them casseroles and photo collages and share in happy memories of their lost children, and most importantly, to listen."