Definition of a 'Progressive Democrat' or a 'Progressive Liberal'

From L to R: Idiot, Moron, Piglosi, Retard

Liberals are liberals. Liberals are leftists. Liberals are Marxists. Liberals are Progressives. I'm talking about modern day liberals, not, classical liberalism of the old days which I would consider myself to be one of them. I did notice that not one liberal or leftist could give me even one reason why they should remain a Marxist, or one reason to favor that un-anti American ideology. They just can't handle the truth about their sick and destructive political ideology. And the message in my avatar reinforces my correct definition of a liberal democrat.

And Repubs are Nazis. You are a disaster, so proud of hate and a sublime lack of knowledge about the Left that ends up in insults and names.
I wrote the following piece back when the Hildebeast and Obama were in the political spotlight. I've been posting on political forums since the 1980s when our great Ronald Reagan was president, so I have a complete understanding of correctly defining your every day liberal or leftist.

When you hear the political term 'Progressive Democrat' or 'Progressive Liberal'-- you'll now know that 'Progressive' means the steady rise of every brainwashed, dope smoking, easily led, tuned-out drop out that couldn't accept individual responsibility, and couldn't accept and relate to the current 'establishment', or to our competitive economy that was fueled by Capitalism. You could include the Kerry's, the Kennedy's, and the Clinton's into the 60's drop out mix that helped start their progressive apprenticeship of attending Ivy League Liberal college institutions where their initiation into the world of political science was shaped from the teachings of pin-headed anti-establishment Communist professors like Noam Chompsky or a Lionell West of Harvard.

The progressive path of 'Democrat Liberalism fully subscribe to Karl Marx's philosophical theory of creating a 'classless society' where class struggle pit's the proletarian, composed of (industrial workers, makers of goods, or unions of today) against the bourgeois or 'Capitalists' (in this case the Republicans, Conservatives, Capitalists, Entrepreneurs, and pro Americans).

Marx's vision or idealism was to see the proletarian (industrial workers and unions of today) overthrow the bourgeois (Republicans and Capitalists of today). Once that objective was met and the proletariat became the de facto ruling class--they would then 'centralize' with a collective mind set all instruments of production in the hands of the state, or in the hands of our government (in keeping with modern times)--thus increasing productive forces at a rapid rate.

Bottom line is that Marx wanted to inadvertently wanted to strip all people of their individualism, of their desire to set meaningful goals, of their desire and or capacity to invent, or their desire to make no-limit monies, or their desire to progress or climb the ladder, or their desire to succeed in life, or their desire or ability to think for themselves...etc, etc. Marx's goal to basically shackle people into a life of indirect servitude was to be accomplished and coerced with the aid of the state, or in modern times with the aid of big government.

Marx's 'classless society' would not find fruition until classes fought one another, and not until the Capitalist was rendered obsolete.

Hillary is a true Marxist in that she riles Capitalists and Capitalism by promoting class warfare. Actually, every Democratic Liberal is a true Marxist as they engage in class warfare.

Here are but a few of their rants:

"The rich keep getting richer, while the poor get poorer"
"Tax breaks for the filthy rich"
"Corporate welfare"
"Republicans want to starve our children and our elderly"
"Republicans want to reduce Medicare benefits for the affirmed and elderly"
"This is becoming a society of the 'haves' and 'have-nots'"

Liberal-Marxists resort to whining, playing the victim, blaming the rich or Capitalist for their own sorry lot in life, and their late 20th early 21st century scheme to foment fear in the public domain (with the help of their black congressional caucus leaders) by playing the liberal victim race card to the hilt. You may have noticed (with good reason) that there isn't a single black Republican congressman or congresswoman member of that racist congressional black caucus.

You've all heard of welfare/welfare cheats, food-stamps, quotas, affirmative action, minority discrimination, monetary reparations for centuries old black injustices, more leniency and shorter prison time for the disproportionately higher set jail terms to blacks that are now overpopulating our penitentiaries, and more money and better-equipped state-of-the-art medical facilities for the needs of the many black welfare crack whores that are busy strutting their scourge throughout the ghetto streets.

So, here is the question to any of you on the political left side:

Is there anything remotely enticing, remotely favorable, remotely American, remotely pleasing, or remotely inspirational about being a Liberal/Marxist? Please feel free to list all your best Liberal qualities.

you're just a stupid person