I would not support that, either.I'm good with that. Train the cop, don't defund the cop.
I would not support that, either.I'm good with that. Train the cop, don't defund the cop.
Abolish the cop.
Do you have thoughts on Chief Best quitting?
On the city council deciding to ignore and humiliate Chief Best...a black woman with good relationships with the force and the community?
I am having a hard time getting over the stupid.
They kept pushing her too far. I gather that until the incident with the East Precinct building in Chaz, she was willing to play ball with the city government. Then, Durkin tried to place the blame on her. Finally, the council voted to cut her pay, and protestors were showing up at her house. She decided the job isn't worth it anymore.
For instance when she went days before saying that she was ordered to give up East Precinct HQ.....
I saw reports that she was against that.......that she would have never done it is she had a choice.
Of course we watch the mayor act like she loves Best now..but she is the one that gave the order.
That was the first big break that cause Best to leave I think.
She was ignored, her expertise was not wanted.
Seattle is ruled by political hacks.
They dont care about reality.
Which is how you know that
Seattle is Toast
Durkin has not been getting along with the council at all. She probably has come to view Best belatedly as an ally.
But, yeah, the city is screwed.
I started saying this about two years ago over at DP...not a single person seemed to think that I was not crazy.
There is someone here who keeps claiming that Seattle is awesome, a GREAT CITY they claim.
So many people have not the first damn clue what is going on.
They tend to be sure that they are wicked smart.
Seattle is doing it.
Seattle is also rapidly becoming a dystopian Hellscape.