Defund The U.N.’s Agenda


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Police forces are supposed to arrest criminals:

When all is said and done, one of the most successful lies Communists every told convinced law abiding Americans that disarming criminals is their reason for castrating the Second Amendment. Not one Democrat gun-grabber ever mentions that the Second Amendment is there to defend against government tyranny.


BLM halfwit sign-carriers claim they want to defund and/or disarm law enforcement agencies because police forces are racists.

In truth, BLM race hustlers will pay any amount of tax dollars to provide police forces with military grade weapons and combat vehicles, but only if a police force continues to enforce the Democrat Party’s —— i.e. the U.N.’s —— political agenda.

Those white, and black, Americans too dumb to know the difference will be the first ones to die victims on the day American Communists get everything they want politically. Note how far they came since June 2020:

‘BLM = Defund The Police’
June 8, 2020
10:29 pm
Rod Dreher

Finally, police forces loyal to the United Nations rather than loyal to the U.S. Constitution should be disarmed; if not disarm the entire police force in Democrat-controlled cities, than remove every individual from top to bottom who enforces political causes instead of the law.
Police forces are supposed to arrest criminals:

If you watch the clip from High Noon (1952) notice that Marshal Will Kane was the police force. When he threw his star in the dust at the very end he was defending the U.N.’s (1945) political agenda seven years after U.N. Communists set in motion its goal for police forces and gun controls:

Regardless of how you interpret that scene, I cannot think of any movie since High Noon that intentionally or unintentionally nailed the U.N. for anything.


Stanley Earl Kramer (September 29, 1913 – February 19, 2001) was an American film director and producer, responsible for making many of Hollywood's most famous "message films". As an independent producer and director, he brought attention to topical social issues that most studios avoided. Among the subjects covered in his films were racism (in The Defiant Ones and Guess Who's Coming to Dinner), nuclear war (in On the Beach), greed (in It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World), creationism vs. evolution (in Inherit the Wind) and the causes and effects of fascism (in Judgment at Nuremberg). His other notable films included High Noon (1952, as producer), The Caine Mutiny (1954, as producer), and Ship of Fools (1965).

The crap in Judgement at Nuremberg pretty much defined all of Stanley Kramer’s work.
The crap in Judgement at Nuremberg pretty much defined all of Stanley Kramer’s work.

Here is another one of Kubrick's cinematic ‘masterpieces’ :

Paths of Glory is a 1957 American anti-war film co-written and directed by Stanley Kubrick, based on the novel of the same name by Humphrey Cobb.

A decade or so after Paths was released —— Kubrick’s anti-war theme was repackaged and sold as a peace movement. The new packaging allowed television mouths, and traitors, twist North Vietnam’s war of aggression against South Vietnam into an American defeat for world peace.

In truth, Democrats bringing defeat to their own country is the highpoint of their treacherous lives. That is why they can never admit they were demonstrating FOR Communism and AGAINST the men and women who understood that fighting to defeat Communism in SE Asia was essential. The men and women who sacrificed so much in Vietnam are the Americans John Kerry & Company despise to this day.

Let me close with a bit of movie trivia.

I always suspected that Kubrick had a perverse motive for casting a highly-decorated war hero playing a weakling:

American actor who had early success as a sunny juvenile, but whose career declined following World War II, in which he was a highly-decorated hero. A native of Los Angeles, Morris played football at Los Angeles Junior College, then worked as a forest ranger. Returning to school, he studied acting at Los Angeles Junior College and at the acclaimed Pasadena Playhouse. A Warner Bros. talent scout spotted him at the Playhouse and he signed with the studio in 1936. Blond and open-faced, he was a perfect type for boy-next-door parts and within a year had made a success in the title role of Kid Galahad (1937). While filming Flight Angels (1940), Morris became interested in flying and became a pilot. With war in the wind, he joined the Naval Reserve and became a Navy flier in 1942, leaving his film career behind for the duration of the war. Assigned to the carrier Essex in the Pacific, Morris shot down seven Japanese planes and contributed to the sinking of five ships. He was awarded four Distinguished Flying Crosses and two Air Medals. Following the war, Morris returned to films, but his nearly four-year absence had cost him his burgeoning stardom. He continued to topline movies, but the pictures, for the most part, sank in quality. Losing his boyish looks but not demeanor, Morris spent most of the Fifties in low-budget Westerns. A wonderful performance as a weakling in Stanley Kubrick's Paths of Glory (1957) might have given impetus to a new career as a character actor, had Morris lived. However, he suffered a massive heart attack while visiting aboard the aircraft carrier Bon Homme Richard in San Francisco Bay and was pronounced dead after being transported to Oakland Naval Hospital in Oakland, California. He was 45. His last film was not released until two years after his death.
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