Delusional takes


"herstory"... Geebus.

History comes from the Latin word historia, which literally means "true story", a fictional story is "fabula" in Latin. It has nothing to do with gender and/or sex. Changing it to "her" story because it happened to have three letters in that arrangement is just annoying inanity and shows the lack of research and intelligence in the usage. The derivation of the word woman is from the old english word wifmann (sometimes widmann), wif literally means female, mann means "person or being". The old english opposite of widmann or wifmann is wermann "wer" referred to male...
"herstory"... Geebus.

History comes from the Latin word historia, which literally means "true story", a fictional story is "fabula" in Latin. It has nothing to do with gender and/or sex. Changing it to "her" story because it happened to have three letters in that arrangement is just annoying inanity and shows the lack of research and intelligence in the usage. The derivation of the word woman is from the old english word wifmann (sometimes widmann), wif literally means female, mann means "person or being". The old english opposite of widmann or wifmann is wermann "wer" referred to male...

How misogynist!
Also, math is racist.
Well, those two girls in Louisiana were able to "prove" something that was first proven by Pythagoras in 500 BC or so... "magic" and time travel notwithstanding... delusion comes in all shapes and sizes.

Of course Pythagoras was also copying the work of Babylonians who had tablets explaining that relationship written down in 1900 BC... but who's counting?
Well, those two girls in Louisiana were able to "prove" something that was first proven by Pythagoras in 500 BC or so... "magic" and time travel notwithstanding... delusion comes in all shapes and sizes.

They're "smashing the patriarchy", so stunning and brave!