Dem led Congress gets a win...

I mean, I didn't really even disagree with you, but oftentimes even if I agree with someones point, I'll still be a little perturbed if they used what I considered fallacious logic to get to it...
Earmarks are a way of buying votes with tax dollars. what congressman would want to give that up ? Of course there are loopholes.
Earmarks are a way of buying votes with tax dollars. what congressman would want to give that up ? Of course there are loopholes.

The Republicans are a fine example. They used to rail against excessive government spending when they were out of power. Once they got power they thought they could keep it by giving earmarks to all their voters. Fortunately it worked against them and they got their asses kicked. We'll see how long there memory's are next time they are in power.
the dems still do not have enough of a majority to force all bills thru without some republican support.

crack open you HS civics book.

well no sh*t sherlock. The Republicans dealt with the same thing from 2000 - 2006. I didn't hear anyone saying the Republicans didn't control Congress then.
well no sh*t sherlock. The Republicans dealt with the same thing from 2000 - 2006. I didn't hear anyone saying the Republicans didn't control Congress then.

uscitizen is without a party though!1!

Yeah, right.
What the HACKS seem to be missing in this thread is that NO ONE, left or right wants to give up the big bucks.....its the obvious point....

The lefty wants to play games and ask my the R's didn't do the reform when they were in power, while the right points out the this D bill is a joke and farce.....

Well your eyeballs....neither R's nor D's want to see that money taken away.....

The R's didn't bring a bill to the floor
and the D's are pulling the old "it depends on what the meaning of "is" is....

and hacks on both sides fall for the bullshit everytime.....