I mean, I didn't really even disagree with you, but oftentimes even if I agree with someones point, I'll still be a little perturbed if they used what I considered fallacious logic to get to it...
Earmarks are a way of buying votes with tax dollars. what congressman would want to give that up ? Of course there are loopholes.
Republicans are still almost in power....
Not in Congress they're not.
the dems still do not have enough of a majority to force all bills thru without some republican support.
crack open you HS civics book.
well no sh*t sherlock. The Republicans dealt with the same thing from 2000 - 2006. I didn't hear anyone saying the Republicans didn't control Congress then.
I quoted the article Water. There was nothing fallacious about it.
uscitizen is without a party though!1!
Yeah, right.