Democracy is terrible

Grind, I believe the best standard for participation is property ownership. While serving in the military, however, you could have that requirement waved (Kind like Heinlein's Starship Troopers).

All other forms of government can lead to slavery. There are plenty of reasons to knock democracy, but tyranny of the majority in that regard is not one of them...
"The United States can't interfere with our little anarchic zone" is a law. If it is enforced by someone, then you have a government. If it's not enforced, then it's effectively not a law and the United States can do whatever it wants.
non taxpayers should not have the right to vote. People that vote need to have an actual stake in the issues they are voting on. If you don't like men voting on whether or not women should have abortions, the same logic applies to proles trying to vote themselves money.

If "non-taxpayers" can't vote, what's keeping the taxpayers from enslaving them? You complain about the 51% "enslaving" the 49%, so you suggest that we deprive certain undesirables of the right to vote. But clearly, that just leaves that minority entirely vulnerable and voiceless.

How do you define "non-taxpayer"? Everyone who works pays the social security tax, and other taxes like state property and sales taxes. In fact, if you add the burden of all these taxes up, our tax system is overall effectively flat. Or, I suppose, do you just mean the federal income tax? Should we impose federal authority over the states like that? Effectively, you're giving the federal government the ability to totally remove the right of the poor to vote in states by simply raising the bar for income tax high enough, which would greatly benefit some political parties and cost the federal government little in revenue anyway. And they can make up the difference by simply passing a national sales tax, which disproportionately impacts the poor, but I suppose this wouldn't count if we're arbitrarily excluding SS taxes as well.

How do voters "vote themselves money"? We have a very basic welfare system. We basically don't let the poor starve, and we hardly even provide even very basic necessities like healthcare. We have to jump through hoops to convince people to vote for even very, very basic measures such as this, measures so basic that you can hardly even legitimately call yourself a nation if you're depriving your fellow countrymen of such basic needs.
How do voters "vote themselves money"? We have a very basic welfare system.

If something free for one generation, it can never be taken away. Had Social Security gone away after the 2nd World War it wouldn't have created anywhere near the fuss that it does today. And because social welfare does not treat the problems associated with needing it, it essentially is a self perpetuating cycle, where the recipiants recieve free stuff and are still unable to climb out of their social/economic hole, thereby increasing their desire for more free stuff.
we should use super computers to determine the main issues in any given election. So say the top 3 issues are the economy, womens rights, and war.

We then weight votes according to those main issues.

If you are a taxpayer, +1
If you are a women +1
If you are active duty military, +1

If you are a tax paying women in the military, you get the most weight. If you are a non-taxpaying man, fuck off and die.

Why the fuck should people that have no stake be given equal voice? We technically already use a form of what I have been talking about... citizenship. If you aren't a permanent citizen of this country, you have less of a stake than someone that HAS to live here in some capacity (usually)... thus... non-citizens can't vote. Too bad, so sad. We can take this logic and apply it to other areas.

Yes, you have a right to vote, just because you're an American. Just because you're a citizen. Just because you're a countrymen. For God's sake, we'll feed you too, just like anyone else! We might even save your life in a medical emergency! Just because you're an American. Just because you're a human being. It is truly a sign of this decadent age that such things are said not with a tone of pride at how far we've come, but a tone of derision. And it is even sadder that those saying such foolishness expect anything else besides a smack upside the head for their stupidity.
note, this only applies for non-takers. No positive rights allowed. Only preventing people from doing shit to you.

The distinction between positive rights and negative rights is idiotic and nonsensical. "Negative rights" are simply those we've become used to, while "positive rights" are just newer. It's OK for you to force me to help you against a burglar, but helping someone against a famine? Oh! that's theft! Helping someone against cancer! Oh no! What a horrible world we live in! I'm a slave because I can't just watch this stupid kid die of cancer while I sit in my yacht and demand his mother protect my property! There is no difference between the concepts of helping everyone against burglars, hunger, and cancer equally. They are different dangers that we as a society have decided to guarantee protection to everyone from. If you're just going to watch someone die of hunger, frankly, you don't deserve the protection of your property and person from others.
The distinction between positive rights and negative rights is idiotic and nonsensical. "Negative rights" are simply those we've become used to, while "positive rights" are just newer. It's OK for you to force me to help you against a burglar, but helping someone against a famine? Oh! that's theft! Helping someone against cancer! Oh no! What a horrible world we live in! I'm a slave because I can't just watch this stupid kid die of cancer while I sit in my yacht and demand his mother protect my property! There is no difference between the concepts of helping everyone against burglars, hunger, and cancer equally. They are different dangers that we as a society have decided to guarantee protection to everyone from. If you're just going to watch someone die of hunger, frankly, you don't deserve the protection of your property and person from others.

You are so much smarter and compassionate,I don't know what you see in the rest of them I really don't.
eating at a restaurnat service has been slow so have been talking to this really cute waitress a lot. she steps away for a minute i pull up jpp and i start scrolling by the swath of watermark comments - ponies everywhere she obv comes back when I have pictures of ponies all over my phone (it takes up a pretty decent proportion of the screen on the phone in tapatalk) so now she probably thinks I'm this total loser that goes to pony sites. thanks a fucking lot watermark i hate you so much.
eating at a restaurnat service has been slow so have been talking to this really cute waitress a lot. she steps away for a minute i pull up jpp and i start scrolling by the swath of watermark comments - ponies everywhere she obv comes back when I have pictures of ponies all over my phone (it takes up a pretty decent proportion of the screen on the phone in tapatalk) so now she probably thinks I'm this total loser that goes to pony sites. thanks a fucking lot watermark i hate you so much.

Show her Watermark's posts and tell her you wrote them she will probably eff the shit out of you.
HSN has Sporto snow boots for today's special value and it's a really great price. I ordered the dark grey, though I was really torn between those and the winter white. But then I thought the winter white, while adorable, would get really gross looking you know? I am thinking of ordering them as gifts too, I bet my BFF would love a pair. Anyway, if anyone needs snow boots, check it out seriously.

Grind did you get snow there? It is still snowing here! And I am stuck with my crappy kinda scruffy old snow boots until these arrive.

OMG they are so cute! I put a pair of the blue in my bag but haven't closed the sale yet because I don't really NEED them. Should I or shouldn't I?
OMG they are so cute! I put a pair of the blue in my bag but haven't closed the sale yet because I don't really NEED them. Should I or shouldn't I?

The blue are so awesome for jeans especially. I was looking at those. I have been really into grey lately, but those are really cute. You should!
The blue are so awesome for jeans especially. I was looking at those. I have been really into grey lately, but those are really cute. You should!

That's what I was thinking of, with jeans. I got some grey ones a few weeks ago and also have black, brown and taupe. So it's either the denim or the Chestnut but I really like the denim.
eating at a restaurnat service has been slow so have been talking to this really cute waitress a lot. she steps away for a minute i pull up jpp and i start scrolling by the swath of watermark comments - ponies everywhere she obv comes back when I have pictures of ponies all over my phone (it takes up a pretty decent proportion of the screen on the phone in tapatalk) so now she probably thinks I'm this total loser that goes to pony sites. thanks a fucking lot watermark i hate you so much.

Way to go Watermark.

HSN has Sporto snow boots for today's special value and it's a really great price. I ordered the dark grey, though I was really torn between those and the winter white. But then I thought the winter white, while adorable, would get really gross looking you know? I am thinking of ordering them as gifts too, I bet my BFF would love a pair. Anyway, if anyone needs snow boots, check it out seriously.

Grind did you get snow there? It is still snowing here! And I am stuck with my crappy kinda scruffy old snow boots until these arrive.

And now, here's the true mark of a Liberal.

Darlak lives in an area, where thousands upon thousands of people are in trouble and the bitch is buying boots for herself.

Heaven forbid that she pull her head out of her ass, long enough to realize that she's got "neighbors" who have suddenly become homeless.

Oh, wait. I forgot that Obama's going to take care of all this, by taking money from those who have MORE then Darlak does.