Do not be fooled by these people:
Rep. Ayanna Pressley: We Are More Than Four People — ‘Our [FIRING] Squad Is Big’
by Penny Starr
15 Jul 2019
Everything they say is built on a threat of violence right out of the Democrat Party’s Cold War strategy:
Socialists/Communists are relying on Americans fear of a war started by China. Fear was how they implemented so much of their parasitic agenda throughout the Cold War. In short: Standup to us and we will revolt so Soviet Communists can invade a U.S. weakened by revolution.
Parenthetically, American Communists made great advances during the Cold War because of the external threat the Soviet Union posed. The threat of a nuclear war got American Communists much more than they ever hoped to get in a real nuclear war the Soviet Union would have lost.
The Democrat Party’s Cold War strategy exploited the Soviet Union’s threat. That is how American Communists/Socialists got the most out of the external threat of nuclear war. Democrats are using the same Cold War scare tactic with China and North Korea —— in addition to handing Iran membership in the Nuclear Club.
Parenthetically, Cold War American Communists wanted the threat not the war. Hence, the Soviet Union losing a nuclear war was never Democrat Party thinking. Today’s Democrat Socialists influenced by illegal aliens and Muslims are praying for the war the Strategic Air Command prevented during the Cold War.
Senator Graham is onto the firing squad, but he falls short of citing Cold War strategy:
Finally, free people cannot live in fear and remain free. Fear of a nuclear war throughout the Cold War was long enough. Today’s Communists would be pissing into the wind without television reporting their threats because every one of them lives in fear of well-armed Americans fighting back and to hell with foreign enemies. If anything, nothing will unite Americans faster than an imminent military attack coming from a foreign government.
PREDICTION: Do not make the mistake of thinking the Democrat Party's firing squad is circular. Regardless of which Communist gets their party’s nomination next year you can expect promises of more gun controls side-by-side with more virulent threats. Note that Harris’ threat of registration is the final step before confiscation:
Harris: I'll give Congress 100 days to pass gun laws
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) pledged that, if elected president, she would take executive action to enact sweeping gun control measures if Congress fails to send comprehensive legislation to her desk in her first 100
Are these people members of the NRA.