Democrat Party Firing Squad

Do not be fooled by these people:


Rep. Ayanna Pressley: We Are More Than Four People — ‘Our [FIRING] Squad Is Big’
by Penny Starr
15 Jul 2019

Everything they say is built on a threat of violence right out of the Democrat Party’s Cold War strategy:

Socialists/Communists are relying on Americans fear of a war started by China. Fear was how they implemented so much of their parasitic agenda throughout the Cold War. In short: Standup to us and we will revolt so Soviet Communists can invade a U.S. weakened by revolution.

Parenthetically, American Communists made great advances during the Cold War because of the external threat the Soviet Union posed. The threat of a nuclear war got American Communists much more than they ever hoped to get in a real nuclear war the Soviet Union would have lost.

The Democrat Party’s Cold War strategy exploited the Soviet Union’s threat. That is how American Communists/Socialists got the most out of the external threat of nuclear war. Democrats are using the same Cold War scare tactic with China and North Korea —— in addition to handing Iran membership in the Nuclear Club.

Parenthetically, Cold War American Communists wanted the threat not the war. Hence, the Soviet Union losing a nuclear war was never Democrat Party thinking. Today’s Democrat Socialists influenced by illegal aliens and Muslims are praying for the war the Strategic Air Command prevented during the Cold War.

Senator Graham is onto the firing squad, but he falls short of citing Cold War strategy:


Finally, free people cannot live in fear and remain free. Fear of a nuclear war throughout the Cold War was long enough. Today’s Communists would be pissing into the wind without television reporting their threats because every one of them lives in fear of well-armed Americans fighting back and to hell with foreign enemies. If anything, nothing will unite Americans faster than an imminent military attack coming from a foreign government.

PREDICTION: Do not make the mistake of thinking the Democrat Party's firing squad is circular. Regardless of which Communist gets their party’s nomination next year you can expect promises of more gun controls side-by-side with more virulent threats. Note that Harris’ threat of registration is the final step before confiscation:


Harris: I'll give Congress 100 days to pass gun laws

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) pledged that, if elected president, she would take executive action to enact sweeping gun control measures if Congress fails to send comprehensive legislation to her desk in her first 100

Are these people members of the NRA.
Alec Baldwin: Trump Wants to Kill America
by Ben Kew
24 Aug 2019

Every time I see a headline about a show biz luminary defending the Parasite Class with a crackpot statement I assume he/she is doing it to score points with black Democrats in Congress. Why? Because black Democrats in Congress decide who gets entertainment industry tax dollar subsidies; hence, who gets the JOBS.

Cold War threats will not elect Democrats in 2020. An overwhelming majority of American voters are fed up with black Communists governing the country with policies implemented by race alone regardless of what television mouths tell you. There are far too many black parasites holding tax dollar jobs for their shit to work again. If you doubt me look at the number of blacks on television. Every time I channel-surf the boob tube I see a whole lot of black faces on news shows, in product commercials, and on entertainment shows.

There is even a black FEMALE 007 coming our way. James Bond had it easy. Humping gorgeous broads was all he had to do. The new 007 must first knock a man’s cock stiff before she can do her duty for Queen and Country:
I wonder how many Americans are fooled by the boogieman technique of the Reds? 4 freshmen congresswomen, with no power, have been made into enemies of the state by rightys. Reds even suggest they are making policy and moving the party. Ok, like what and where? They are new to politics and have no power. This is a right wing creation. There is no fact.
President Trump should consider asking AG Barr to look into deporting Omar.

Omar is an America-hater to be sure. AG Barr should find out if taking campaign contributions from the United Nations meets the test for deportation.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) demanded this week that the United States bring in the United Nations to handle the border crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border, a move that would undermine the United States' national sovereignty.

Ilhan Omar Demands United Nations Take Over America’s Border Crisis
By Ryan Saavedra
August 28, 2019

I wonder how much the U.N. paid Omar to administer the booster shot?

The United Nations hierarchy decides everything from the atmosphere’s temperature to immigration policies.
No ... it really isn't a better comparison. Japanese Americans who immigrated legally, in some cases were born here, were unjustly detained over fears they might collaborate or commit sabotage. DHS detainees aren't citizens and they are free to leave detention at any time. The only condition of release is that they be removed from the US while their asylum claim is processed. Any discomfort they experience is self inflicted.

Japanese were guarded with weapons by the military. Some were citizens,many were not. The camps the Trumps are running have kids. Do you think a child has a right to walk out? We should treat all people with respect especially after seeing the horrors we did in the past.
Diarrhea Mouth delivered the race card after she spewed shit all over herself:

Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reports that Pelosi recently ordered a full body bib to wear at pressers.

There is not a piece of solid excrement in Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi’s latest oral bowel movement —— everything she proposed is pure liquid crap:

Nancy Pelosi to lower drug prices with more government?
Curtis Ellis
Published: Sept. 20, 2019
Hopefully Trump's rhetoric hasn't been quite so "invigorating" as the demo-commie feminista's rhetoric has been. Ocrasio Cortez rhetoric ... well lies ... about DHS "concentration camps" have "invigorated" ANTIFA terrorists. The ICE facilty bomber posted a manifesto that included Ocrasio's coined phrase a half dozen times ... on the 1st page. D's rhetoric has "invigorated" 100% of the losers calling themselves ANTIFA. But characterizations like "concentration camps" and ICE "gestapo" are bound to do that aren't they.

The Germans industrialized concentration camps which have existed a long long time. They added gassing the prisoners. But like those who preceded them, they used them as laborers to help their war machine, They did not invent concentration camps. America did it with Native Americans and then again with Japanese. Powerful nations have done the same through history.
The similarities here are inarguable. We are separating Latino people and collecting and holding them. This time we are adding splitting up families and doing terrible damage to kids in their impressionable ages. We are harming these kids who will eventually be released into society after the terrible trauma we caused.