So when you get caught in a lie, move the goalposts? Yes, Medicare is something we need to scrap and work into something better. But you morons on the left want to cling to that until it too results in insolvency. But hey, that's okay, in liberal loony land money grows on trees! Not to worry!
Medicare defines the term mismanaged. Another argument you lose on.
Medicare will become insolvent in 2026, U.S. government says
Didn't move any goalposts, just asked a simple question. Medicare does require reform, but that doesn't happen because of vested interests and their influence in Washington. And good luck getting rid of it, you going to replace it with everyone on their own or Ryan's inane voucher system?
And I noticed you didn't respond to the study I enclosed examining the health care systems of those nation's you claim have lousy health care