Democrat to take the oath of office on the Koran?


Well-known member
Anyone upset by this?

Republican congressman from Virginia is... He says it should be the bible or nuthing!
You two guys should be upset ... arnt they mixin Government and Religion?

No, not upset at all. It was done in a private ceramony not mandated or promoted by the government. I have no problem with that at all!
I am glad to see the Cons on this board are more enlightened than many nationwide.
Anyone upset by this?

Republican congressman from Virginia is... He says it should be the bible or nuthing!

i go with nothing. jesus said not to take oaths but to just let your yes mean yes and your no mean no (be a person of integrity and honesty in all matters).

i wouldn't want anyone to force me to take an oath on the koran; why should a muslim have to take one on the bible.
I honestly don't know if there are any congressmen/women who admit to being an atheist.
I think there have been a couple. Let me google.


Nope. There have been none. Not unless you count the Deists of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, which you shouldn't.
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I think there have been a couple. Let me google.


Nope. There have been none. Not unless you count the Deists of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, which you shouldn't.

Here is the current breakdown according to CNN:

The breakdown for the 535 members of the 110th Congress being sworn in Thursday:

Catholic 155; Baptist 67; Methodist 61; Presbyterian 44; Jewish 43; Episcopal 37; Protestant nondenominational 26; Christian nondenominational 18; Lutheran 17; Mormon 15; United Church of Christ 7.

Eastern Orthodox 5; Christian Science 5; Assemblies of God 4; Unitarian Universalist 2; African Methodist Episcopal 2; Buddhists 2; Evangelical 2; Seventh Day Adventists 2; Christian Reformed 2; Disciples of Christ 2; Church of Christ 2; Congregational Baptist 1; Anglican 1.

Reorganized Mormon 1; Quaker 1; Church of God 1; Muslim 1; Evangelical Lutheran 1; Church of the Nazarene 1; Evangelical Methodist 1.

No affiliation 6.
Here is the current breakdown according to CNN:
. . .
No affiliation 6.
"No affiliation" is like "decline to state." That's not the same thing as being openly atheist. I suspect that some or all of that group are closeted agnostics and/or atheists, but that doesn't count.
Yea, I was just posting that for general information, not trying to prove/disprove anything. I still think it would be a hard thing for a congressman to get elected in most districts in the US if he openly claimed to be an athiest. Again, that's just my opinion.
Yea, I was just posting that for general information, not trying to prove/disprove anything. I still think it would be a hard thing for a congressman to get elected in most districts in the US if he openly claimed to be an athiest. Again, that's just my opinion.
I agree that it would be difficult in most districts. Even mine, though easier here than in most others.
Ellison's (sp) taking of the oath of office on a Koran is no big deal. For him to swear on a bible has as much meaning as swearing on a Sear's catalog.