Democrat to take the oath of office on the Koran?

Religion and morality are two entirely different things. You can have either one without the other. Morality is essential. Religion is not. One might argue that it is the most reliable mechanism for instilling morality -- though others will dispute that, I assure you -- but it isn't the only way.

You completely misapprehend, I think, what it is that the "extreme" moral left want. Either that or you're using the term in a way that I don't understand. If anything, we tend to be a bit too prigish, in my view. Where we tend to differ from the extreme religious right is in why we think that Spears' behavior, for example, is reprehensible and what it is about that behavior that is immoral.

morality wise; being a person who resides to the right on many issues ... I believe I understand what the extreme left wants ... but I also believe there are on the extreme right... are misguided.
IE ... while the extreme left purports to be on the side of liberty .. they fear no boundaries as they introduce legislation that gives advantage to one group while taking from another. The extreme left feeds off reactionary ideology .. acting on impulse rather than well thought out policy.
To name a few... that completely boggles the mind; Late term Abortion, Parental Consent, Affirmative Action, Police State Anti Smoking Legislation...
How can any of these socially fascist measures be considered moral..? Late Term Abortion..= Is all out infanticided, Parental Consent..= removing the right of the Parent to know if their 14 year old daughter is undergoing a surgical procedure., Affirmative Action.. = forcing one group to gain advantage because of skin color over another group.. , Anti Smoking Legislation.., telling an owner of a business that he cannot allow a legal substance to be used within the confines of his business.
How is any of this moral legislation?
I watched it. He did not. Nancy even had to remind him to raise the right arm and not to put it on the Koran. During it there were about a thousand photographs taken, but no oaths.

Then he is an idiot for not having at least faking an oath.

Why do we have idiots as congressmen.. I could do better than this idiot... Hell, if I am going to schedule a publicity stunt I would at least do it right!
M'eh... By that time I think the guy had lost control of the situation. His kids seemed intelligent and ready to contribute to society when it comes their turn...
morality wise; being a person who resides to the right on many issues ... I believe I understand what the extreme left wants ... but I also believe there are on the extreme right... are misguided.
IE ... while the extreme left purports to be on the side of liberty .. they fear no boundaries as they introduce legislation that gives advantage to one group while taking from another.
All legislation gives advantage to one group while disadvantaging another. That's what law is for: to protect the weak from the strong, the mild from the avaricious. And avoiding legislation does the same by allowing the strong to take advantage of the (momentarily) weak.
The extreme left feeds off reactionary ideology .. acting on impulse rather than well thought out policy.
LOL! That's exactly, almost word for word, what we say about the Right. It's all a matter of perception, really. ALL moral values are inherently emotional. The "sense" of what's right and what's wrong is an emotional reaction.
To name a few... that completely boggles the mind; Late term Abortion, Parental Consent, Affirmative Action, Police State Anti Smoking Legislation...
They may boggle your mind but some of us are just a little quicker on the uptake, I guess. :D
How can any of these socially fascist measures be considered moral..?
By being intellectual honest. Lay on, MacDuff.
Late Term Abortion..= Is all out infanticided,
According to you. I'm not prepared to make such a blanket condemnation. There are circumstances where a woman might not even know she was pregnant until delivery -- yes, it really does happen. Pregnancy and giving birth are intrinsically dangerous: neither I nor you nor anyone else, frankly, is omniscient enough to say that such a procedure is unwarranted in ALL circumstances. For that reason it shouldn't be criminalized.

Speaking of feeding on fear and acting on impulse, this position of yours is purely and entirely emotional.

Your state is constitutionally able to regulate abortion in the third trimester. I suggest that you should take it up at that level.
Parental Consent..= removing the right of the Parent to know if their 14 year old daughter is undergoing a surgical procedure.,
Just another example of bad parents wanting the State to do their job for them. It's not the government's job to enforce parental rules. MOST daughters would go to their parents with something so important; where they're not it's almost certainly a reflection of poor parenting.

It is unwise to mandate such a thing in law. That's because it's all too possible that the child is legitimately afraid of her parents. Rare, thankfully, but not rare enough.
Affirmative Action.. = forcing one group to gain advantage because of skin color over another group.. ,
Correction. Affirmative Action forces one group to NOT take advantage of another. Actually, the advantage already exists: AA simply tries to ameliorate it to some extent.
Anti Smoking Legislation.., telling an owner of a business that he cannot allow a legal substance to be used within the confines of his business.
Smokers force all those around them to breath in their secondhand smoke. There's no way around that fact. Smoking is intrusive. Anti-smoking legislation simply prevents people from involuntarily poisoning other people. ;)
How is any of this moral legislation?
Quite moral. The moral values are simply different from yours.

Take abortion for example. I personally feel immense anger and disgust at those who would criminalize aborion. I experience moral outrage in its truest sense. It strikes me as authoritarian in the extreme: an unforgivable exercise of paternalism and arogance. But that's me. I know that many people disagree. It boggles my mind -- I literally can't imagine how one could morally justify such a law -- but I do allow as how it happens. It takes all kinds, as they say.