You made your mind up long ago as to how you would vote in 2016 were Hillary on the ballot.
yes. The Hildebeast is no one you will vote for....
Your powers of persuasion aren't up to soliciting votes for her, Commander?
if I thought there were a snowball's chance in hell, I'd try.
a quitter? no.
If you must, then, by all means, wonder on.
Maine allows felons to vote while incarcerated.
all voting rights restored after the felon serves his or her debt to society. period.
Does your definition of the debt to society include successful completion of probationary periods, parole, payment of court-ordered fines, etc.? they let them vote for judges and district attornies?..... they let them vote for judges and district attornies?.....
they do.
do they make them wait until after their anger over their conviction wears off?......