Democrat War on Women Christmas update

Why do Democrat politicians hate women and their wives so much? It has to be a war on women going by the simple minded Democratic Party canard on this issue.

Watch some Left Wing media. The Left attacks them MORE than the Right. You kids are simply using them to score points.
so... you point to polls that have fluctuated seven whole points in two months and somehow believe that is a harbinger of what the electorate will be thinking ten months from NOW?

and you were the one who put words in MY mouth... I merely responded.

Yet, you look at one Presidential election and predict the doom of the Republican Party; how ironic. Of course you ignore the massive victory Republicans had taking back the House after Pelosi's historically short term as Speaker in 2010; why is that? Democrats are also poised to lose the Senate in 2014. Yet you would want to argue that the trend is going the other way; how so?

Since 1951 Republicans have controlled the Presidency 36 years to Democrats 29. Democrats dominated Congress for 54 years prior to the Republican takeover in 1995 and yet you think the trend is BACK towards Democratic dominance?

I find your naive woefully inept rebuttal to be historically ignorant as are most of your posts.

The trees in Michigan are just the right height.

Knock three times on the bathroom stall.

I'm Catholic now after leaving my 2nd wife in the hospital for my 3rd wife, Callista. Now, let's put those first graders to work as janitors in their schools.

You want to play the dumb quotes game? Let's do it:

"... it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in fifty .... seven states? I think one left to go. One left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit but my staff would not justify it."

Barack Hussien Obama

"They’re going to put y’all back in chains.”

Joe Biden

"Every week we don't pass a Stimulus package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs.''

Nacy Pelosi
Yet, you look at one Presidential election and predict the doom of the Republican Party; how ironic. Of course you ignore the massive victory Republicans had taking back the House after Pelosi's historically short term as Speaker in 2010; why is that? Democrats are also poised to lose the Senate in 2014. Yet you would want to argue that the trend is going the other way; how so?

Since 1951 Republicans have controlled the Presidency 36 years to Democrats 29. Democrats dominated Congress for 54 years prior to the Republican takeover in 1995 and yet you think the trend is BACK towards Democratic dominance?

I find your naive woefully inept rebuttal to be historically ignorant as are most of your posts.

I certainly don't predict the doom of the republican party. I may dream fondly of that day, but I certainly have never predicted it.

And I find it mildly amusing that you would trumpet the GOP's "massive victory" in the house, considering the fact that more americans cast their votes for democratic congressmen than they did for republicans.... gerrymandering is the sole reason the GOP has the house... it is certainly not the collective will of the people.
I certainly don't predict the doom of the republican party. I may dream fondly of that day, but I certainly have never predicted it.

.... it will be harder and harder for the GOP to retain a viable national presence as each election cycle passes.'s not up to ME to tell the GOP how to dig itself out of the hole its dug for itself. If you all can't figure out how to save yourselves, you probably aren't worth saving in the first place.

What hole? How is the GOP not viable? I just gave you historic data that suggests that the trend is moving AWAY from Democratic dominance.

And I find it mildly amusing that you would trumpet the GOP's "massive victory" in the house, considering the fact that more americans cast their votes for democratic congressmen than they did for republicans.... gerrymandering is the sole reason the GOP has the house... it is certainly not the collective will of the people.

You think that Democratic districts are not gerrymandered?

So let me understand your dullard logic; in 2006 when Republicans lost in a landslide, the districts were not gerrymandered, but they became gerrymandered in 2010; is that what you are claiming?

You think that Republicans who were at the margins of Congressional power for 50 years suddenly gerrymandered all those districts they didn't control in the past to take over recent elections? Do you even know how districts become "gerrymandered?"

... it is certainly not the collective will of the people.

I am amused that Liberals are all about the collective will …except when it comes to abortions, gay rights, marriage and having Christian icons around public offices.

Hypocrisy and irony defines Liberals.

By the way, we are a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy.

Carry on Commander Dimwit.
.... it will be harder and harder for the GOP to retain a viable national presence as each election cycle passes.'s not up to ME to tell the GOP how to dig itself out of the hole its dug for itself. If you all can't figure out how to save yourselves, you probably aren't worth saving in the first place.

What hole? How is the GOP not viable? I just gave you historic data that suggests that the trend is moving AWAY from Democratic dominance.

You think that Democratic districts are not gerrymandered?

So let me understand your dullard logic; in 2006 when Republicans lost in a landslide, the districts were not gerrymandered, but they became gerrymandered in 2010; is that what you are claiming?

You think that Republicans who were at the margins of Congressional power for 50 years suddenly gerrymandered all those districts they didn't control in the past to take over recent elections? Do you even know how districts become "gerrymandered?"

I am amused that Liberals are all about the collective will …except when it comes to abortions, gay rights, marriage and having Christian icons around public offices.

Hypocrisy and irony defines Liberals.

By the way, we are a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy.

Carry on Commander Dimwit.
interesting blind spots you have there... of course democratic districts are gerrymandered. The unassailable fact remains, however, that in the last two congressional elections, ones that you claim were "massive victories for republicans, in each instance, more Americans cast their votes for democratic congressional candidates than they did for republicans. spin that any way you like.

And suggesting that having a minority in the house makes it difficult for a national party to gerrymander congressional seats would indicate that you don't know fuck all about how congressional districts are drawn. Here's a clue: it doesn't happen in Washington.