"Democratic Party" Brand fatally contaiminated with Obama's & Hillary's Corruption


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"Democratic Party" Brand fatally contaiminated with Obama's & Hillary's Corruption

After the worst 8 years of economic and foreign policy since Great Depression, they tried to foist a completely corrupt and self-serving, wall street cronnie on U.S. as the representative of the Working People.

And they failed.

Now, the "Democratic Party" Brand is fatally attached to both the names Obama and Hillary.

The DNC betrayed the people, sought to profit from the politics of division and thought that they could simply spin away the corruption and take the votes of working people for granted.

Well, I appears that things have gone down another pathway.

"Dear Democrats and Liberals.

I'm noticing that a lot of you aren't graciously accepting the fact that your candidate lost. In fact you seem to be posting even more hateful things about those of us who voted for Trump.

Some of you are apparently "triggered". Because you are posting how "sick" you feel about the results.

How did this happen you ask?

You created "us" when you attacked our freedom of speech.
You created "us" when you attacked our right to bear arms.
You created "us" when you attacked our Christian beliefs.
You created "us" when you constantly referred to us as racists.
You created "us" when you constantly called us xenophobic.
You created "us" when you told us to get on board or get out of the way.
You created "us" when you forced us to buy health care and then financially penalized us for not participating.
You created "us" when you allowed our jobs to continue to leave our country.
You created "us" when you attacked our flag.
You created "us" when you confused women's rights with feminism.
You created "us" when you began to immasculate men.
You created "us" when you decided to make our children soft.
You created "us" when you decided to vote for progressive ideals.
You created "us" when you attacked our way of life.
You created "us" when you decided to let our government get out of control.
"You" created "us" the silent majority.

And we became fed up and we pushed back and spoke up.

And we did it with ballots, not bullets.

-Author Tim Seeley

The arrogance and corruption of the DNC, Obama, and Hillary created Trump.

The Brand is cooked. No one trusts you. No one believes you. You've lost the support of the Common Working People.

We will support Trump until he drains the swamp, and the Democratic Party Fades into obscurity.

When they went, the Whiggs disappeared very quickly!

We will rebuild a new political party for the Working Americans, ... one with more HONOR and less Corporate Cronnism and Racial Preferences.

Question for Debate:

How many election cycles until no one with the "D" is in office?

Did you think, back in 2008, that Obama would be the last Democratic Party President?

Why don't we still have the Whigg party?

Answer: because the Whiggs became hopelessly out of touch with the bulk of the American People!


Rep. Keith Ellison Enters Race for DNC Chair With Strong Support - NBC News

Meet the Rising Democrat That Bernie Sanders Wants to Lead the DNC

In the immediate aftermath of the 2016 election, Democrats have been looking for a national committee chair who could rebuild the party, reach out to disaffected groups who once voted for President Barack Obama, and rally potential Donald Trump supporters to their cause. Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison was one of the early favorites to run, and despite not having declared his candidacy, he was endorsed by a number of powerful Democrats in and out of politics.

Ellison formally declared his candidacy on Monday.


He perfectly fits the New and Imporved Democratic Party built by Obama, Valerie, Hillary, Huma and Abdullah Omar Nasseef!

I guess Omar's $32 Million in donations to Hillary can buy a DNC chairmanship. But it didn't buy the POTUS.

Well, I'm sure the far lefties will convince themselves that he is a wonderful statement about multiculticulturalism.

But perhaps not the wisest choice to regain the suport of the bulk of the Common American People, considering recent events.

From the same thread, on another forum:

The Democrat Party will be back.

That, or the GOP will split, and centrist elements from both parties will join.

Nothing happens in a vacuum.

I think the combining of the centrists into a new brand working people's party is clearly the direction things will go.

Who will step up to lead that new party remains to be seen.

If the old school, establishment GOP gives Trump too much crud, Trump might found the new party.

But I rather think it will be some young, charismatic, intelligent, entrapeneurship oriented, half-latino woman from the political center.

A woman with the the soul and wit of Ben Shapiro.
Here is a Democrat who "Gets It":

He is still trying to reform the Dem Party from within, but you can tell he understands how the Obama / Hillary / Pelosi version of the Democratic Party Brand is done, cooked, toast, finshed!

We need lots of options in political parties to vote for, and I wouldn't mind having 3,4,5 or more viable parties.

None of them should be the completely corruption stained Democratic Party Brand.

Let the Greens and Libertarians and the TEA Patriots come forth!

And when we do re-create a new Working Man's party, it needs to be much more:

Inclusive of ALL Races/Genders/Orientation, including the "Evil Demonic" Straight-White-Males

and most of ALL - Limited by Integrity

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I read a media spokesman talking about how the MSM and the Pollsters got it so very WRONG.

He said "The MSM/Pollsters took Trump literally, but not Seriously. The Working People of America, took Trump Seriously, but not Literally".

This is a very insightful comment.

It is clear that there will always be a need for a SLIGHTLY left of center political party to represent working people.

But! Brand-Names have POWER! Both the power to unify and motivate, and, if they become corrupted, the power to repulse and divide!

The "Democratic Party" Brand has become so tainted, that no party which carries it will be able to win national elections!


Who will lead the new, replacement Working People's Party?

What will be the Brand-Name of that new Working People's Party?

So far, we have the suggestions of:

Common Sense Party or CSP

Purple Worker Patriots or PWP

... I think I like the CSP better.

After the worst 8 years of economic and foreign policy since Great Depression, they tried to foist a completely corrupt and self-serving, wall street cronnie on U.S. as the representative of the Working People.

And they failed.

Now, the "Democratic Party" Brand is fatally attached to both the names Obama and Hillary.

The DNC betrayed the people, sought to profit from the politics of division and thought that they could simply spin away the corruption and take the votes of working people for granted.

Well, I appears that things have gone down another pathway.

The arrogance and corruption of the DNC, Obama, and Hillary created Trump.

The Brand is cooked. No one trusts you. No one believes you. You've lost the support of the Common Working People.

We will support Trump until he drains the swamp, and the Democratic Party Fades into obscurity.

When they went, the Whiggs disappeared very quickly!

We will rebuild a new political party for the Working Americans, ... one with more HONOR and less Corporate Cronnism and Racial Preferences.

Question for Debate:

How many election cycles until no one with the "D" is in office?

Did you think, back in 2008, that Obama would be the last Democratic Party President?


Hey, dumbfuck. The Democrat got more votes than the Republican. Or did you miss that?
The more I think about it, the more I'm getting that gut-level-political-instinct warm feeling about The OWLs!

I can see the slogan, "Are you a working man with the blues? Who gives hoot? The OWLs DO! Vote for the Ordinary Working Libertarians in 2020! "
