"Democratic Party" Brand fatally contaiminated with Obama's & Hillary's Corruption

This is a good time to be a solid American Conservative. Watching Leftist turds like Dumbshit76, Blackasshole, et al going apeshit and the pansy-assed crybabies protesting and acting like petulant little 5 year olds on the college campii, and the lamestream press finally dropping all pretense of objectivity allows us to see who the enemies of America are :D
This is a good time to be a solid American Conservative. Watching Leftist turds like Dumbshit76, Blackasshole, et al going apeshit and the pansy-assed crybabies protesting and acting like petulant little 5 year olds on the college campii, and the lamestream press finally dropping all pretense of objectivity allows us to see who the enemies of America are :D

American Conservtives cannot stay strong and honest working in a vacuum, without any poltical opposition.

Yet, we do NOT want to allow the Corrupt and Dangerous people in the Democratic Party to ever have power again!

We need The OWL Party!

In 2024, the Presidental Campaign Slogan Bumper Sticker:

"Who's got the wisdom to fix this MESS! The OWLs! Hoot Twice and wave if you're voting OWL!"

nobody cares how many votes the Democrat Party got, gomer......once we found out they lost it didn't matter anymore.......

Try to keep up, dumbfuck. He's claiming the Democrats have lost the support of the people, when in fact, The Democrat got more votes from the people.
This is a good time to be a solid American Conservative. Watching Leftist turds like Dumbshit76, Blackasshole, et al going apeshit and the pansy-assed crybabies protesting and acting like petulant little 5 year olds on the college campii, and the lamestream press finally dropping all pretense of objectivity allows us to see who the enemies of America are :D

Try to keep up, dumbfuck. He's claiming the Democrats have lost the support of the people, when in fact, The Democrat got more votes from the people.

No, that's not what I said.

I said, in a few voting districts, where Democrats have completely corrupted the polling system, they used massive voter fraud, so that a very small number of criminal people, could cast a very large number of ballots.

Which makes it appear as if Hillary won the popular vote, when in fact, she did not!

Just like it Appeared, two days before the 2016 election, Hillary was going to win in a landslide, when in fact, she did not!

The Democratic Party has become so corrupt, it no longer represents a majority of common, working, Americans!

No, that's not what I said.

I said, in a few voting districts, where Democrats have completely corrupted the polling system, they used massive voter fraud, so that a very small number of criminal people, could cast a very large number of ballots.

Which makes it appear as if Hillary won the popular vote, when in fact, she did not!

Just like it Appeared, two days before the 2016 election, Hillary was going to win in a landslide, when in fact, she did not!

The Democratic Party has become so corrupt, it no longer represents a majority of common, working, Americans!

That last line, in a nutshell. The Dems are more interested in "protected" classes and identity politics than the general electorate. If these morons think that only "angry white males" put Trump over the top, they are gravely mistaken. His voter makeup was absolutely a cross section of all of America.
No, that's not what I said.

I said, in a few voting districts, where Democrats have completely corrupted the polling system, they used massive voter fraud, so that a very small number of criminal people, could cast a very large number of ballots.

Which makes it appear as if Hillary won the popular vote, when in fact, she did not!

Just like it Appeared, two days before the 2016 election, Hillary was going to win in a landslide, when in fact, she did not!

The Democratic Party has become so corrupt, it no longer represents a majority of common, working, Americans!


Where's your proof, asshole?
Did you READ the articles in the Link I provided, you putrid, magot ridden, steaming herpies puss burping, vaginal blood fart!


Fuckwad, your link showed nothing than your worthless fucking opinion on another political forum. Stupid fucking lemming.
Try to keep up, dumbfuck. He's claiming the Democrats have lost the support of the people, when in fact, The Democrat got more votes from the people.

Try to keep up, dumbfuck. He's claiming the Democrats have lost the support of the people, when in fact, The Democrat got more votes from the people.
sorry gomer......the people elected Trump and gave him the house and the senate......nobody gives a fuck about the Democrat Party......
From another forum, but :

Obama may pardon illegal aliens. If they become voters, it's over, the Democrats win from now on. This is our chance to stop the Latino/Democrat takeover. It's our only chance.

Well, I won't belittle your concerns in any way at all. I too think America is a long ways from being in a safe place politically, financially, and with respect to social stability.

But If Obama did pardon all Illegal Immigrants for the crime of entering the USA without permission, that still doesn't give them instanct citizenship, nor give them the right to vote.

If Obama pardons them for voting as non-citizens, that might clear them from being penalized for past crimes, but as President, he cannot pardon them from future voting crimes.

Our long term safety and stability resides in return BOTH political parties to observance of the Rule-of-Law!

Which is why the subject of the OP is so critical!

In 2012-2016, the Democrats went over the deep end in corruption and criminal political activities, as shown the Project Veritas investigations.

Now, they MUST be held accountable.

Forcing them to completely abandon the Democrat Party Political BRAND NAME, is one, but not the only step in that process.

The Democratic Party needs to go onto the trash heap.

We need to do thorough investigations and prosecutions of the various types of voter fraud and political manipulation seen in the 2016 election cycle.

But America NEEDS a slightly left of center, working people's polical party. It is not an option. We MUST allow for that vital political position to have a voice and representation. Or we will never attain stability and prosperity.

I'm not saying that huge swaths of the FAR-Leftie agenda which has become U.S. Policy and Programs... that's a must just to balance the budget.

The poltics of America, devolved into criminal pandering, bias, bigotry, dirty tricks and massive opinion manipulation.

This is particularly true of the Left, but the GOP RINOs did their part too!

As we dismantle the machine, we MUST build its replacement!

But as we dismantle the Democratic Party Crime Machine, we need to sow the seeds of replacing it with a Working People's Political Party which is:

Based on observance of the Rule-of-Law
Race/Gender/Orientation Blind
and most of all, founded by and on Integrity!
