Democrats Against America

Republicans could not back that bill. It was full shit. Just like the Inflation Reduction Act.
Republicans were involved in the writing of the bill and were going to pass it. King Trump forbade passing it, so they did not. Will you ever show a scintilla of understanding for what you respond to?
Republicans were involved in the writing of the bill and were going to pass it. King Trump forbade passing it, so they did not. Will you ever show a scintilla of understanding for what you respond to?
James Lankford, R-Okla is no super conservative. His seat is being challenged but a real conservative.
Immigrants who come here for better opportunities and work hard , deserve respect. They are who made America great. They should not be treated as underclass annoyances. They come for a chance at a better life, and we should help them.
how can you sort them out from the ones who come here for 5g a month no questions asked?
how can you sort them out from the ones who come here for 5g a month no questions asked?
Why do you wait until they come to sort them out? The border concept is having them register at the border, and then go in front of a judge to determine if they are qualified to stay. The Republicans have chopped up border bills and stopped others that would have provided more border agents and judges to speed up the process.
Almost all of our parents came through with little or no questioning. Like them, we already knew why they were leaving their homeland. Trump trades on fear. We were terrified by the yellow invasion, the Irish invasion, the Mexican invasion, and many others. Fear sells for politicians.
Immigrants who come here for better opportunities and work hard , deserve respect. They are who made America great. They should not be treated as underclass annoyances. They come for a chance at a better life, and we should help them.
What is wrong with your mind? There are immigrants and illegal aliens. Which are you talking about?
Millions of people just don't show up at your border and you let them in.
A country needs to have control of the people who immigrate. That is what we call legal immigration.
What we have at the border now is an invasion.
Are you too much of a partisan hack to see that?
Biden, Harris and Mayorkas should be charged and tried for treason.
Mass deportations need to begin ASAP.