Democrats ALWAYS love slavery; The left believes slavery is freedom

Why do you call me a Trumptard? Yep, I voted for Trump. He lost. It's Biden's dilemma now. You dished it out (and continue to) for 4 years. Take some warranted criticism now.

Yep you voted for Trump because you are a TRUMPTARD! DING! DING!

Yes, I criticized Trump. And when the criticism of Biden DOES ACTUALLY BECOME warranted- I will criticize him as well!

Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again.
What exactly is the lefts fascination with pushing for slavery, racial segregation, jim crow laws and other degenerate anti human policies and actions?
Leftists adored slavery exclusively so much that they founded the POSITIVE SCHOOL OF SLAVERY which sought to rationalize slavery as being good not just for the master but for the slaves themselves!
And as horrendous and fallacious as the arguments are, they still repeat them- they even use those same arguments to push for eugenics and still push all such depravity till this very day.
We know scientifically that leftism is undoubetedly at best a severe degenerative mental disorder as all the data points to- the more woke you get, the dumber and more mental illness you tend to have.
Either that- or leftists very likely may not even be human beings. They are anti human and anti american

So what is it that drives their love of slavery and cult like mindless group think mentality? Hell they even believe that blind cultish obedience is a virtue; and all virtues are vices
Leftists would much rather virtue signal than be virtuous- cause they have no human traits like integrity nor a brain

What is it? It's turning backs on citizens and catering to lobbyist dictatorship of which lobbyists for the most part are globalist crime organization lap dogs. Now that they have sold out, they are quite obviously globalist crime organization slaves doing what they are told from an accumulative intellect equal to a skid mark in someone's underwear.
Democrats are people who burn down cities, murder cops, terrorize neighborhoods, have roving Nazi brownshirts (BLM and Antifa), shut down churches, impose Nazi curfews, and so much more. Do any of you think for a moment that a little thing like election fraud bothers them? Lying about the election was peanuts compared to the crimes against humanity they happily commit.

Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and Democrats kept the virus going because they are so evil they were happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats have created, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offered.