Democrats and their lie about free speech.

Actually, the rudest rightys are as usual posting back and forth. That is quite normal. The insults and vulgarity will result in you guys talking to each other. Adults do not tolerate teenage blather.

And pussys like you get the vulgarity you deserve
I know,right wingers are heartless cocksuckers,on the Down Low!But that morning cum breath always bust you!

This is exactly why I banned most Democrat supporters in this thread. This post contributes nothing. It is just mindless insults, this time approaching problems with rule 12a. It's purpose is to try to insult people for speaking out. This is yet another form of censorship by Democrats.
Actually, the rudest rightys are as usual posting back and forth. That is quite normal. The insults and vulgarity will result in you guys talking to each other. Adults do not tolerate teenage blather.

Is that why they don't tolerate you much? :awesome:
Actually, the rudest rightys are as usual posting back and forth. That is quite normal. The insults and vulgarity will result in you guys talking to each other. Adults do not tolerate teenage blather.

A typical Nordberg reaction...trying to project his own problem on conservatives. No one but Democrats like this one has insulted anybody here. Again it's purpose is to attempt censorship via derailment of the thread. I think it's pretty easy to predict there will be more examples of this from him.
Democrats are always going on about free speech, yet they have the largest ignore lists and ban lists in JPP. I've decided to turn their own acts against them.

Democrats have consistently been about censorship, censoring and banning users on Twitter, Facebook, here, and many other forums and social media sites. Now I ban most of the inane ones here so this can be discussed sensibly without their pointless insults and clutter.

Why do Democrats do this? What do they hope to achieve? Do they think they are actually going to maintain power this way?

Sure, their religions are fundamentalist in nature and they despise any that speak out against them, but why do they think that censorship is actually going to erase an opinion or someone speaking out anyway?

Is it time to fight fire with fire? Is JPP going to be converted into effectively two separate forums, with both sides banning the other?

Isn't it obvious? It should be. The Left has nothing backing their positions. No facts, no logic, no rational argument. So, when confronted all they have to respond with is insults and ad hominem. If they can't shout you down then they purge you from the conversation. It's that simple.

An discussion / argument with a Leftist always goes:

They present their position
You refute it.
They try to change the subject.
You refuse and throw in further evidence they're wrong.
They insult and throw ad hominem at you.
You ignore the insults and ad hominem and add more evidence.
They stop responding (or ban you).
Isn't it obvious? It should be. The Left has nothing backing their positions. No facts, no logic, no rational argument. So, when confronted all they have to respond with is insults and ad hominem. If they can't shout you down then they purge you from the conversation. It's that simple.

An discussion / argument with a Leftist always goes:

They present their position
You refute it.
They try to change the subject.
You refuse and throw in further evidence they're wrong.
They insult and throw ad hominem at you.
You ignore the insults and ad hominem and add more evidence.
They stop responding (or ban you).

A pretty common sequence, true. Sometimes elements of this sequence are skipped and they go right to banning (censoring) you. Some just get stuck on throwing insults and never get to the point of ignoring or banning you. Examples of the latter are Dutch and moon.
I think it's possible to demonstrate with evidence that democrats dont really care for free speech or more accurately speech that doesnt fit a specific narrative. One example is college campuses when conservatives are invited to speak. They disrupt the speech if unsuccessful at getting it canceled. They have said they will not tolerate the intolerable.

Then there is Vincent Lloyd who is a raging leftist professor and who is black who was giving a summer seminar through the Telluride Association. The topic of course was related to race and to Lloyd's credit he wanted students to hear both sides of the issue and reach conclusions after thoughtfully considering both sides. The seminar was cut short because students boycotted the seminar saying he wasn't doing enough to affirm their already held positions. They wanted a lecture format not a seminar. In other words they want to be told what to think not to have to think for themselves. No democrats are no friend of free speech if a black leftist professor can get canceled. His story is in The Atlantic.

On college campuses and other venues only a small percentage of the left seeks to block free speech while the great majority opposes such actions. It is analogous to a small percentage of the right which attacks the Capitol building to block the constitutional process while most on the right oppose such an action.
Yes. This is commonly the form their censorship takes. The same kind of thing has been happening on social media sites like Twitter (until Elon started cleaning it up!), Facebook, Youtube, and Amazon AWS (until they got caught at it and paid big time for it!).

Including censorship on Truth Social.
On college campuses and other venues only a small percentage of the left seeks to block free speech while the great majority opposes such actions. It is analogous to a small percentage of the right which attacks the Capitol building to block the constitutional process while most on the right oppose such an action.

Conservatives didn't attack the Capitol building. Democrats did. You are making a false equivalence fallacy.
Including censorship on Truth Social.

None. Truth Social is open source, dude. You are watching the Fake News again. This particular lie (which the AP and it's minions are repeating endlessly) was started by Democrats to try to justify their censorship of Trump.
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A typical Nordberg reaction...trying to project his own problem on conservatives. No one but Democrats like this one has insulted anybody here. Again it's purpose is to attempt censorship via derailment of the thread. I think it's pretty easy to predict there will be more examples of this from him.

That proves you cannot digest what you read. The posts are there, read them.
On college campuses and other venues only a small percentage of the left seeks to block free speech while the great majority opposes such actions. It is analogous to a small percentage of the right which attacks the Capitol building to block the constitutional process while most on the right oppose such an action.

I understand but it's little consolation to the people that have to deal with it. It also sets a tone antithetical to free speech.
That proves you cannot digest what you read. The posts are there, read them.

Another infamous 'Nordberg proof'. This is not the first time I've seen Nordberg try to use insults as a 'proof'. Nordberg is STILL trying to derail the thread. This is his method of censorship.
None. Truth Social is open source, dude. You are watching the Fake News again. This particular lie (which the AP and it's minions are repeating endlessly) was started by Democrats to try to justify their censorship of Trump.

Unless you post the truth about January 6. See how many of those posts you can find.
I understand but it's little consolation to the people that have to deal with it. It also sets a tone antithetical to free speech.

Agree 100%. Those who want to restrict speech, books, or prohibit social media sites from controlling their own platform have no respect for liberty or the Constitution.