Democrats are Demonic

I remember watching Bill O'Reilly a few years ago, and he was musing about the insane irrational hatred often exhibited by Liberals. He said that he could just not figure it out sometimes. Well, the answer is actually simple, but no news channel can ever say it lest they be labeled as insane.

The immortal battle between good and evil has been fought since God cast Lucifer down to hell. The spiritual battle between good and evil has raged since before memory.

This spiritual battle manifests itself in the material realm in many, many ways, often in inexplicable acts of evil and violence that people are dumbfounded to explain in rational terms.

The Democrat Part is the embodiment of Evil in America. There is no rational explanation for some of the evils they support and promote. But it is true evil they support, from infanticide to all manner of sexual perversions, to oppressive controlling government. Christianity is one of their targets, as they support Muslim fascists. The hatred they spew out, screaming and spewing spittle, defies all rational explanation.

RCP reports Biden trending down in almost all the swing states in recent polls.......
in Michigan Trump got a +2 lead over Biden in a poll this week......
In another thread someone posted this: Hilter's primary attribute is his disdain for racial diversity.

In fact, Hilter's primary attributes are his socialism, fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people, antisemitism and his suppression of rights.

Democrats' primary attributes are their socialism (Bernie and AOC), fascism, willingness to murder an entire class of people (Abortion), antisemitism (Omar and Tlaib) and suppression of rights (throwing conservatives out of colleges and social media).

Congrats my friends, if you are a Democrat then you are an American Nazi

Anti-Semitic group behind Rashida Tlaib’s and Ilhan Omar’s since-canceled Israel trip
Democrat Socialism
Democrats push extreme abortion positions